The business landscape is liable to change at any moment and this can mean big changes for organizations. And this is especially true when it comes to IT.

IT systems and infrastructures are far from perfect. But, on the whole, they should help your organization to tackle all the requirements of the digital age. However, changes both internally and externally can have a major impact on your IT efficiency. And when this leaves your IT infrastructure struggling it’s time for an IT reorganization.

Naturally, IT infrastructures are complex setups and any form of reorganization needs to be approached with care and caution. To help take the pain out of this process we’re going to give you a helping hand in getting started.

The Lowdown on IT Reorganization


IT systems are crucial to the running of any modern business, so you need to ensure yours is ready for the challenge. If you have found that your IT infrastructure isn’t effective as it once was then it’s time to act. And the best strategy should take in the following steps:

  • Identify the Problems: Key to solving your IT problems is identifying them. You need to know where your infrastructure is failing if you want to fix it. Some of these problems may be obvious such as storage issues, but other problems may be buried beneath a mountain of complexities. Therefore, it’s important that significant time is set aside to investigate the inherent faults that are having a negative impact on your IT. 
  • Communicate: One of the simplest ways to find out what’s going wrong with your IT is to speak to the people who use it. This strategy allows you to discover what the most common and frustrating problems are with your systems. Your staff, after all, will have daily experience of issues that even the most experienced IT professional may not be aware of. Nonetheless, consulting with your IT team is critical as their experience of the system will be crucial in identifying and resolving any issues. 
  • Understanding Bad Decisions: IT systems should be allowed to evolve in order to keep pace with technology, but too much change can be disastrous. Adding additional layers of complexity is not always necessary. However, in business there’s a tendency for organizations to feel that constant change is the only way to remain fresh. This is particularly true when leadership changes happen. Evaluating any recent changes to your IT infrastructure is vital in to determine whether they have had a positive/negative impact. 
  • Plan Your Strategy: Reorganizing an IT infrastructure is a monumental task and is littered with complexity. Rushing into such as reorganization is far from recommended. Instead you need to tread carefully and plan extensively. The labor and costs involved in reorganizing IT will be high and these are valuable commodities you do not want to waste. Also bear in mind that these are long-term projects which require multiple inputs. Accordingly, you will not be able to expect immediate results, but the long term should bring gradual changes.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Workplace PCs tend to be more protected than those found in our homes. Therefore, you need to make sure you always work safely on your home PC.

With remote working on the rise, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we don’t take our eye off the ball when it comes to security. Organizations, naturally, have more finances to invest and enhanced IT expertise, but it’s still easy to stay safe at home. All you need to do is know how to protect yourself. And, to get you started, we’re going to share some fantastic ways to make sure you remain safe.

Working Safely on your Home PC

Safety on your home PC can be achieved quickly and easily by following these best practices:

  • Implement All Updates: Software and hardware updates are crucial when it comes to getting the best IT experience. And, of course, they maximize your security. This is why you need to install all updates as soon as possible. Sometimes these updates will be automatic, but they will often need direct authorization from the user. Either way, the install process is simple and requires little more than a short wait. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Working on a home PC is very different to working on a workplace PC. But there’s one thing they both have in common: they get cluttered.

Over time, PCs tend to accumulate a lot of junk. This can be rather obvious such as a desktop packed full of shortcuts and files. Or it can less noticeable to the user as, for example, in the case of a registry riddled with redundant information. The end result, either way, is the same: it makes working on a PC difficult. Navigating your way around folders can become a nightmare and it’s likely that the speed of your PC will also be affected.

As the majority of us are working from home at the moment, it’s important that we declutter our PCs. It’s a move which will make working from home easier and help you remain productive.

The Best Ways to Declutter Your PC

It’s easy to declutter your PC and, best of all, you can start making changes in an instant. Make sure you carry out the following:

  • Cleanup Your Desktop: A desktop which is cluttered can make life very difficult. Quickly finding the file or shortcut that you need can soon become a tiresome exercise. And it’s likely that the majority of items on your desktop are not required e.g. shortcuts to deleted or barely used apps. However, you don’t need to put up with this. And you have two choices: delete unnecessary or relocate items into grouped folders e.g. “Q1 Projects” 
  • Use a Registry Cleaner: The Windows registry is a section of your PC which holds all the settings and values related to hardware and software on the machine. It’s an important database, but it can soon build up with junk e.g. invalid entries which are no longer relevant. And this can slow down your PC and cause numerous errors. Accordingly, you need to keep it clean and this can be achieved with a registry cleaner such as CCleaner. These apps clean up invalid registry entries and minimize the risk of system errors. 
  • Empty Your Recycle Bin: Your recycle bin can soon build up significant junk and this can put a strain on your hard drive. A hard drive that is packed full of data is going to struggle to perform to its maximum. This is why it’s crucial you regularly empty the recycle bin as it can hold huge amounts of data. Even better, make sure you set a limit to the maximum amount of junk it can hold. To do this just right click the recycle bin and go into the properties section where you can customize the maximum size that can be held. 
  • Archive Your Files: Your home PC is likely to be full of various documents, but if you haven’t accessed them in six months then it’s unlikely you regularly need them. However, this isn’t to say you will never need them, so deleting them would be an extreme move. Instead, you can identify older documents and archive them into appropriate folders and sub-folders e.g. “2019 > Utility Bills”

By putting just these four methods into practice you will find that using your home PC suddenly becomes much easier. And, as a result, you will become more productive and complete your work more effectively.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Using the power of IT is one of the surest ways to enhance your productivity. But there’s a good chance that there’s still room for improvement.

It’s likely that IT already has a major presence in your organization. You may even feel as though you’re already operating at a high level. And, no doubt, you are. But technology advances at a rapid pace. And it’s plentiful. Therefore, it’s very easy to miss a new product or a new tip. However, it’s these missed opportunities which could give you a competitive edge. And that’s what every business strives for.

How to Improve Your IT Efficiency

It’s important to have a strategy in every aspect of your organization. And IT is no different. In fact, the demands of modern business make it a priority. So, to help you maximize your IT operations, we’re going to share 5 ways to improve your IT efficiency:

  1. Employee Training: As we’ve already touched upon, technology advances quickly. And it’s this progressive nature which can leave employees trailing behind. As a result, your productivity can take a major knock. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Your employees are your most valuable asset, so you need to respect this. And the best way to achieve this is with regular IT training. Work with them to identify any relevant gaps in knowledge and then arrange group training. 
  1. Improve Communication: Time is money in the world of business, so it’s critical that you make savings where possible. And IT is the master of time-saving solutions, particularly when it comes to communication. One of the simplest ways to improve IT efficiency is by adopting an internal communication platform. These platforms, which include Skype and Google Hangouts, allow employees to chat, share documents and collaborate. And all without leaving their desks. 
  1. Enhance Your Security: It’s always important to value security in the world of IT, but not enough organizations take it seriously. And this puts them at risk of significant threats such as ransomware and data breaches. This is why it’s crucial that you enhance your security. Simple steps such as increasing the strength of passwords and securing your hardware can improve your security no end. 
  1. Embrace Remote Working: The rise of remote working has been swift and has redefined the workplace. Employees who are not based in the office, such as salesman, can now connect with your IT systems from anywhere in the world. It’s one of the simplest ways to maximize your IT productivity. All your workers need is an internet connection. So, make sure that you establish a remote working policy which fits in with your existing IT systems.
  1. Keep Up to Date: Not every development in the world of IT will be of interest to your organization. But it’s important that you keep up to date with the many changes taking place. It’s possible that even a slight development in a specific area, such as data storage, could make a difference to your IT operations. Thankfully, it’s not difficult to achieve this. Just make sure that you bookmark several IT news sites and regularly check the headlines.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Getting to grips with problems relating to your computer network can be a frustrating affair, but it’s one which is likely to happen on a daily basis.

Computer networks are, after all, highly complex systems that comprise various components and are in use by multiple users. These structures may bring many benefits, but they can also be a recipe for disaster. And, if your network fails or experiences any issues, then your organization’s productivity is going to be affected.

Your main objective, with your computer network, should be to keep it online and functioning correctly. But you can only do this if you know what the most common computer network problems are, so let’s take a look:

  • Slow Connectivity: If there’s one thing that frustrates an employee then it’s slow connectivity over a network. PCs can grind to a halt and even the simplest task can take an age to complete. It’s often caused by large file transfers, so a limit should be put in place on the size that is permitted e.g. no email attachments that total more than 20mb as a standard rule. Sometimes this lag can also be caused by faulty network cards, so it’s important to investigate this possibility. 
  • IP Conflicts: Each PC on your network should have a unique IP address such as, but sometimes two PCs can be assigned the same IP address. And this can create major connectivity issues for both parties. Sometimes these conflicts will work themselves out, but you can help speed up the process. Restarting the router is the simplest approach as it should assign new IP addresses to every PC on the network. 
  • Unable to Connect to Local Printer: Printers on a network tend to be shared by multiple users, but occasionally an error can arise that leaves people unable to access the printer. This problem is often caused by a sharing issue whereby different security settings between PCs and the printers fail to agree with each other. When this occurs it’s recommended that you check firewall settings and that your Windows network adapters have printer sharing enabled. 

  • Faulty Cables: A computer network relies on cables to facilitate its connectivity. And when just one cable fails it can have massive implications for your network. However, it’s easy to overlook cables as the source of network issues. People tend to concentrate on software and hardware troubleshooting first. Nonetheless, investigating the condition of cables in the affected network area is vital. Cables can easily become dislodged or damaged, so sometimes the fix can be as simple as plugging them back in or replacing. 
  • Weak Wi-Fi Signal: If you rely on wireless connections in your organization then you will be well aware of the issues caused a weak signal. This can often be caused by environmental issues such as the presence of a microwave or even the layout of an office. It’s important to eliminate these factors to identify the cause of the fault. Alternatively the connection issues could be caused by out-dated firmware, so make sure all updates are installed. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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