Workplace PCs tend to be more protected than those found in our homes. Therefore, you need to make sure you always work safely on your home PC.

With remote working on the rise, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we don’t take our eye off the ball when it comes to security. Organizations, naturally, have more finances to invest and enhanced IT expertise, but it’s still easy to stay safe at home. All you need to do is know how to protect yourself. And, to get you started, we’re going to share some fantastic ways to make sure you remain safe.

Working Safely on your Home PC

Safety on your home PC can be achieved quickly and easily by following these best practices:

  • Implement All Updates: Software and hardware updates are crucial when it comes to getting the best IT experience. And, of course, they maximize your security. This is why you need to install all updates as soon as possible. Sometimes these updates will be automatic, but they will often need direct authorization from the user. Either way, the install process is simple and requires little more than a short wait. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Remote working has become the norm for countless employees over the last two months, but it’s not easy. However, you can make remote working easier.

It’s not that remote working is difficult, it’s more that it’s a break from your normal working routine. And, depending on your age, this routine could have been in place for decades. It’s not easy to make this transition seamlessly and, given the current headlines, it’s understandable that working from home can feel tough. But you don’t have to let this situation descend into frustration. Instead, you can make a number of changes which make remote working that little bit easier.

An excellent place to start is by making changes to the way you use your PC.

How to Make Life Easier

There are many ways that you can make remote working easier and some of the simplest and most effective are:

  • Work Near Your Router: Home internet connections are more than capable of handling your workload, but this is all dependent on the strength of your signal. Therefore you need to work as near to your router as possible. That bed in your spare bedroom may be comfortable, but if the wireless signal there is weak then you run the risk of frequent disconnections. Be sure to use a good quality router.
  • Work with a Calendar App: Remote working tends to involve working on your own for long periods of time. Sure, there’s the modern luxury of video conferencing and chat software, but it’s not the same as being surrounded by your work colleagues. Accordingly, it can be difficult to stay on track with your schedule and workload. However, this situation can be reversed by setting yourself reminders. The calendar within Microsoft Outlook is more than adequate for this, but it’s possible to install third-party apps if you need more options.
  • Block Online Distractions: It’s easy to become distracted by the internet when you’re working from home, but this doesn’t have to be the case. There are a number of ‘blocker’ apps that can be installed on a PC to block out distractions. So, for example, if you want to block access to social media sites for an afternoon, you can program this into an app such as Freedom. You are then free to focus exclusively on your workload and ensure that you keep on top of it.
  • Connect Your Laptop to your TV: Working on a laptop isn’t always easy due to the limited screen sizes that are available. And this can be a problem if you need a large screen to organize your work. But there’s a very simple solution. Almost all modern laptops contain HDMI ports, so you should be able to easily connect your laptop to your 50” television set. All you need is a HDMI cable and a modern TV.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Working on a home PC is very different to working on a workplace PC. But there’s one thing they both have in common: they get cluttered.

Over time, PCs tend to accumulate a lot of junk. This can be rather obvious such as a desktop packed full of shortcuts and files. Or it can less noticeable to the user as, for example, in the case of a registry riddled with redundant information. The end result, either way, is the same: it makes working on a PC difficult. Navigating your way around folders can become a nightmare and it’s likely that the speed of your PC will also be affected.

As the majority of us are working from home at the moment, it’s important that we declutter our PCs. It’s a move which will make working from home easier and help you remain productive.

The Best Ways to Declutter Your PC

It’s easy to declutter your PC and, best of all, you can start making changes in an instant. Make sure you carry out the following:

  • Cleanup Your Desktop: A desktop which is cluttered can make life very difficult. Quickly finding the file or shortcut that you need can soon become a tiresome exercise. And it’s likely that the majority of items on your desktop are not required e.g. shortcuts to deleted or barely used apps. However, you don’t need to put up with this. And you have two choices: delete unnecessary or relocate items into grouped folders e.g. “Q1 Projects” 
  • Use a Registry Cleaner: The Windows registry is a section of your PC which holds all the settings and values related to hardware and software on the machine. It’s an important database, but it can soon build up with junk e.g. invalid entries which are no longer relevant. And this can slow down your PC and cause numerous errors. Accordingly, you need to keep it clean and this can be achieved with a registry cleaner such as CCleaner. These apps clean up invalid registry entries and minimize the risk of system errors. 
  • Empty Your Recycle Bin: Your recycle bin can soon build up significant junk and this can put a strain on your hard drive. A hard drive that is packed full of data is going to struggle to perform to its maximum. This is why it’s crucial you regularly empty the recycle bin as it can hold huge amounts of data. Even better, make sure you set a limit to the maximum amount of junk it can hold. To do this just right click the recycle bin and go into the properties section where you can customize the maximum size that can be held. 
  • Archive Your Files: Your home PC is likely to be full of various documents, but if you haven’t accessed them in six months then it’s unlikely you regularly need them. However, this isn’t to say you will never need them, so deleting them would be an extreme move. Instead, you can identify older documents and archive them into appropriate folders and sub-folders e.g. “2019 > Utility Bills”

By putting just these four methods into practice you will find that using your home PC suddenly becomes much easier. And, as a result, you will become more productive and complete your work more effectively.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The impact of the Covid-19 breakout has led to a huge increase in video conferencing from home. But you need to make sure you’re using a suitable webcam.

Business needs to continue in the current landscape, but the way in which it operates has had to change significantly. Face-to-face meetings are out. And video conferencing is in. All you need is a video conferencing app and a webcam. This gives you the opportunity to connect with work colleagues and clients in a way that phone conversations are unable to achieve. It’s crucial, however, that you work with a webcam that delivers results.

Comparing Your Webcam Options

There are thousands of different webcams available, so we’re going to narrow your options down to three specific categories:

  • Built in Laptop Webcam: An integral component of many laptops, a built in laptop webcam is perhaps the easiest option to work with. Positioned at the top of your laptop screen, this category of camera comes ready to go once your laptop is powered up. All you need to do is select it as your default choice when loading up your video conferencing app. However, these webcams are also some of the most limited. Changing the angle, for example, is restricted to shifting your entire laptop around. There’s also the small issue of limited definition and, of course, there are the associated security risks. We prefer ASUS laptops which all come with standard built in webcams.
  • Budget Webcam: Available from around $20 upwards, a budget webcam provides you with an opportunity to enter the world of video conferencing. These webcams are usually connected to your PC via a USB cable, so this means that installing the hardware is relatively simple. As well as video capability, budget webcams usually have a built-in microphone. The result is an all-in-one conferencing tool. Nonetheless, as a budget webcam they do have limitations. Picture and audio quality will never be at the high end of the quality scale and the build quality means that parts and fixings can easily break. 
  • Premium Webcam: A webcam such as the Logitech C920 HD PRO will cost you around $80, but it’s an investment which will leave little room for complaints. Ideal for those who need to regularly conduct video calls, a premium webcam is built to provide high quality video and audio feeds. Therefore, whether you’re talking to two or two hundred people, they will be able to see and hear everything. This is crucial if, for example, you are talking to potential customers and need to project a good first impression. And, just like a budget webcam, installation is straightforward with a USB cable.

Final Thoughts

Depending on your needs, there is a webcam which is perfect for your needs. If you are only going to be dealing with occasional in-house conference calls then you can get away with a built-in or budget webcam. These two categories of webcam will get the job done and are more than affordable. However, if you need to push the quality envelope a little further then it’s worth investing in a premium webcam. Not only will it enhance the quality of your video conferencing experience, but it will also position you with a professional image.

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Working from home is very different to working in an office. And, accordingly, you will need specific work-at-home tech to counter these changes.

The most noticeable difference to working at home is that it’s more comfortable. There’s no need to sit at a single desk all day long and there’s certainly no requirement to wear a suit. But the usual peripherals you use in the office aren’t suited to a home environment. Working off a couch, for example is very different, to working from an office desk with flat, stable surfaces. Therefore, it’s crucial that you equip yourself with tech that suits your new work environment. Not only will it allow you to work comfortably, but it will keep you focused on your work.

What is the Best Work-from-Home Tech?

Everyone wants to be comfortable, so it’s clear that you need the best work-from-home tech. And, believe us, if there’s a work-from-home problem, technology will have found a solution. Some of the most useful peripherals to invest in are:

  • Couch Mouse: A mouse, even in the touchscreen age we live in, is vital for working on a PC. But conventional mice need hard, flat surfaces to operate. And this isn’t always an option if you’re working on a couch. Sure, you could use a built in touch pad on a laptop, but these don’t always suit every task. However, it’s possible to buy so called ‘couch mice’ which work on soft surfaces and provide perfect navigation. 
  • Noise Cancelling Headphones: Working from home, especially when your family is also there, can be a major challenge. A full house can get noisy very quickly and this can prove to be a major distraction. However, a set of noise cancelling headphones can provide a quick solution to this problem. By channeling your favorite music (or ambient sounds) through your headphones you will find that you can focus more closely on your work. And, if you need to take calls, you can use the headphones to win back some much needed privacy. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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