The workplace can be a very stressful environment, so it’s vital that you keep organized. Key to this organization is a PC which doesn’t cause you stress.

It’s likely that your PC is your most important tool at work. After all, they can do almost anything from creative tasks through to data handling and communicating. But this is only possible if your PC remains organized. A badly organized PC will not only hinder your productivity, but it can have a negative impact on the health of your system.

The best workplaces avoid these shortcomings by making sure that employees follow simple, yet effective methods for organizing their PCs. And, as luck would have it, we’re going to share these with you today.

Keeping Your PC Organized

You don’t need a degree in computer science to keep your PC organized. You just need to follow these best practices:

  • Tidy Up Your Desktop: A cluttered desktop quickly becomes difficult to navigate, so it’s crucial that you keep it tidy. Ideally, your desktop should only ever contain shortcuts to the apps you use the most. Saving random files to your desktop may seem quick in the short term, but, in the long term, it makes finding everything on your desktop more difficult. 
  • Audit Your Files: No two files are the same and, accordingly, they will all have different lifespans in terms of usefulness. A spreadsheet on outgoing costs, for example, is likely to be something you regularly use. But a spreadsheet detailing a one off order is going to experience less usage. Therefore, it’s a good idea to regularly go through your files and see which can be archived and which should be kept on your system. This will free up storage on your PC and allow you to find useful files more quickly. 
  • Use a Structured Folder System: Structure is the backbone of all organization and, as a result, it should be integrated into your folder system. And this should be more extensive that just moving everything into My Documents. Everyone, of course, will need and want a different system as our brains all work differently. But what’s crucial is that you breakdown all your files into their simplest terms e.g. specific client names and then into increasingly specific folders such as customer orders, correspondence and contact details. 

Final Thoughts

A well- organized PC allows an employee to work to their full potential. It’s essential that all your employees are in this position as it will provide a massive boost to your productivity. Best of all, the most effective solutions are also some of the easiest to implement. However, consistency is crucial when it comes to organization, so make sure these best practices are regularly followed.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Workplace PCs tend to be more protected than those found in our homes. Therefore, you need to make sure you always work safely on your home PC.

With remote working on the rise, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we don’t take our eye off the ball when it comes to security. Organizations, naturally, have more finances to invest and enhanced IT expertise, but it’s still easy to stay safe at home. All you need to do is know how to protect yourself. And, to get you started, we’re going to share some fantastic ways to make sure you remain safe.

Working Safely on your Home PC

Safety on your home PC can be achieved quickly and easily by following these best practices:

  • Implement All Updates: Software and hardware updates are crucial when it comes to getting the best IT experience. And, of course, they maximize your security. This is why you need to install all updates as soon as possible. Sometimes these updates will be automatic, but they will often need direct authorization from the user. Either way, the install process is simple and requires little more than a short wait. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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It’s vital, if you want your PC to remain safe and secure, to install all software updates and patches. The alternative is, of course, that you get hacked.

Now, no one wants their PC to get hacked. The fallout from such a scenario can only spell disaster for a business. We’re talking stolen data, disrupted IT operations, financial damage and a major drop in productivity. And no one wants that. Certainly not a business and certainly not their customers. But hacking is a major threat in today’s digital workplace. In the first half of 2019 alone, a total of 4.1 billion records were compromised. It’s a figure which is clearly huge, but it’s also one that could be significantly reduced if organizations updated their software regularly.

So, to help you keep your software updated, we’re going to run through the basics of updating and securing your software.

What are Software Updates?

It’s difficult to create a flawless piece of software. The complexity of coding means that, even when developers feel their application is finished, it’s likely that minor problems will remain. And, in most cases, the only impact of these errors will be felt in the application’s functionality. However, on occasion, these minor flaws can represent major security issues. Hackers, if they are to be commended on anything, are highly persistent. And, if they can find a vulnerability in a piece of software, you can rest assured that they will exploit it.

This is why software updates and patches are crucial. The most common update that most PC users will encounter is an operating system update. These are regularly released by developers in order to counter security issues which have been discovered. These updates, in their simplest terms, patch the software. Following the patch process, your operating system will be considered more secure and functional. Unfortunately, many organizations are either too busy to worry about updates or they fail to understand their importance. And that’s why you need to know the best ways to keep your software updated.

How Do You Update Your Software?

Updating software on a PC is straightforward and simple, but only if you know how. Therefore, it’s important that you practice the following:

  • Allow Automatic Updates: The sheer number of updates that are required for multiple applications is mind-boggling. And the time taken to action these updates is significant. But, with this in mind, most pieces of software allow you to select an automatic update option. This takes the pain out of authorizing and conducting every new update and patch. The setting is most commonly found in the updates section of an application’s control panel. 
  • Visit Developer’s Websites: It’s good practice to regularly visit the websites of developers to make sure you’re working with the latest updates. Adobe Flash Player and JavaPress, for example, can both be verified by visiting their respective websites. The relevant software is quickly analyzed to determine which version it is. And, if any updates are outstanding, the user will be prompted to install these or upgrade to a new version. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Like any other electrical product, PCs are prone to failure due to the number of components involved. But a well maintained PC is likely to last longer.

Your organization’s PCs are likely to be crucial for your day-to-day operations, so you need to make sure they are in good working order. After all, you wouldn’t let your car fall into a state of disrepair. You would make sure your car is regularly serviced and maintained to make sure you could continue getting from A to B. And a PC is no different. But, thankfully, you don’t need to pull on your overalls or take your PC to a garage to maintain it. You can complete regular maintenance’s quickly and easily from your office.

How to Maintain Your PC

If you want to keep your PC working to its full potential and optimize its productivity then make sure you practice the following:

  1. Declutter Your Startup: When your PC starts booting up it also starts loading all the programs which are defaulted to load at startup. However, not all of these are necessary. And the more programs that need to load then the longer the startup time. Therefore, head to Task Manager on your PC and click on the Startup tab. From here you can remove any unnecessary programs and speed up your boot time. 
  1. Install all Updates: It’s important that all recommended updates are installed immediately. These updates aren’t just related to security issues. Sometimes they are released by developers in order to fix bugs in their software and enhance the product. Ultimately, an update is one of the quickest ways to optimize your PC and ensure that it’s well protected. 
  1. Always Shutdown Correctly: The shutdown process on a PC can be a frustrating affair due to the time taken, but it’s important that you follow this procedure to the letter. It may be quicker to turn the PC off at the mains, but this approach can lead to corrupted files. Instead, make sure you save all your files and close each application down before waiting for the PC to run through the shutdown procedure. 
  1. Carry out a Registry Clean: Your PCs registry is a giant database which logs everything that happens on your PC. If you install a program or change your password then this is logged in the registry. And, over time, the amount of data stored here starts building up. This may not be too much of a problem with newer PCs, but if you’re running an older PC this can create performance issues. However, you must proceed with caution and it’s recommended that you use a highly rated registry cleaner to perform the clean to avoid issues. 
  1. Delete Unwanted Programs: It’s natural that your PC will gradually accumulate more and more installed programs over time. But not all of these programs remain relevant. And if you are running programs that are no longer relevant then they are putting an unnecessary strain on your PCs memory. So, every couple of months, make sure that you evaluate the programs installed on your PC. This will give you a clear idea of what can be uninstalled and what can remain. The result will be improved performance for those that remain.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Data will always be one of the cornerstones of your business. But keeping this data secure in the 21st century is a big ask. So, how do you protect it?

A staggering amount of data is created every single day and your business will contribute to this with each order placed, every service request logged and all the mailing lists you create. Data such as this is sensitive and needs to be protected. If personal details are compromised then they can be used for fraudulent purposes. Your customers need to trust your organization to handle and protect their data correctly. But in a world full of hackers, malware and social engineering it can feel like an uphill struggle.

However, you can make a significant difference to your data protection. And it doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, you can elevate the security of your data quickly and effectively. All you have to do is follow our 7 tips for keeping your sensitive data secure.

  1. Use Cloud Storage

Individual PCs can become compromised by security breaches. And this means that the data stored on this hardware is up for grabs. But if this data is stored remotely it’s securer and less likely to be stolen. The perfect way to achieve this is by investing in remote cloud storage.

  1. Never Display Passwords

Passwords should never be displayed e.g. written on a Post-It note stuck to your monitor. Hackers don’t have to be external figures, they can easily be an internal threat. Therefore, create passwords which you can remember easily and don’t need to have visible reminders for.

  1. Make Sure Deleted Files are Overwritten

A deleted file isn’t necessarily deleted. And a hacker who knows what they’re doing can easily retrieve those files you thought were deleted for all eternity. But if these deleted files are overwritten enough times then you can make it impossible to retrieve them from your hard drive.

  1. Always Encrypt USB Sticks

USB sticks are useful for carrying around large amounts of data in a small space, but their small size means they’re easy to lose. Therefore, you should always ensure that data on these devices is encrypted and password protected.

  1. Install Anti-Malware Protection

You can never take enough precautions when it comes to data security, so anti-malware software should always form part of your strategy. Malware operates stealthily and can steal your data at a rapid pace. But with anti-malware protection in place you can reduce the risk of malware getting a foothold in your system.

  1. Always Install Updates

PC software and hardware is prone to security vulnerabilities. And these vulnerabilities give hackers the opportunity to access your systems and your data. Installing all updates at the earliest opportunity helps you to avoid having your systems and data compromised.

  1. Destroy Old Hard Drives

Technology advances at a rapid pace and PC hardware can soon become obsolete in the face of newer, faster technology. Hard drives are a case in point. But you need to make sure old hard drives are disposed of correctly. They contain a lot of data, so need to be thoroughly cleaned and then shredded to prevent any sensitive data being made available to external sources.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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