Remote working has become the norm for countless employees over the last two months, but it’s not easy. However, you can make remote working easier.

It’s not that remote working is difficult, it’s more that it’s a break from your normal working routine. And, depending on your age, this routine could have been in place for decades. It’s not easy to make this transition seamlessly and, given the current headlines, it’s understandable that working from home can feel tough. But you don’t have to let this situation descend into frustration. Instead, you can make a number of changes which make remote working that little bit easier.

An excellent place to start is by making changes to the way you use your PC.

How to Make Life Easier

There are many ways that you can make remote working easier and some of the simplest and most effective are:

  • Work Near Your Router: Home internet connections are more than capable of handling your workload, but this is all dependent on the strength of your signal. Therefore you need to work as near to your router as possible. That bed in your spare bedroom may be comfortable, but if the wireless signal there is weak then you run the risk of frequent disconnections. Be sure to use a good quality router.
  • Work with a Calendar App: Remote working tends to involve working on your own for long periods of time. Sure, there’s the modern luxury of video conferencing and chat software, but it’s not the same as being surrounded by your work colleagues. Accordingly, it can be difficult to stay on track with your schedule and workload. However, this situation can be reversed by setting yourself reminders. The calendar within Microsoft Outlook is more than adequate for this, but it’s possible to install third-party apps if you need more options.
  • Block Online Distractions: It’s easy to become distracted by the internet when you’re working from home, but this doesn’t have to be the case. There are a number of ‘blocker’ apps that can be installed on a PC to block out distractions. So, for example, if you want to block access to social media sites for an afternoon, you can program this into an app such as Freedom. You are then free to focus exclusively on your workload and ensure that you keep on top of it.
  • Connect Your Laptop to your TV: Working on a laptop isn’t always easy due to the limited screen sizes that are available. And this can be a problem if you need a large screen to organize your work. But there’s a very simple solution. Almost all modern laptops contain HDMI ports, so you should be able to easily connect your laptop to your 50” television set. All you need is a HDMI cable and a modern TV.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Working from home is very different to working in an office. And, accordingly, you will need specific work-at-home tech to counter these changes.

The most noticeable difference to working at home is that it’s more comfortable. There’s no need to sit at a single desk all day long and there’s certainly no requirement to wear a suit. But the usual peripherals you use in the office aren’t suited to a home environment. Working off a couch, for example is very different, to working from an office desk with flat, stable surfaces. Therefore, it’s crucial that you equip yourself with tech that suits your new work environment. Not only will it allow you to work comfortably, but it will keep you focused on your work.

What is the Best Work-from-Home Tech?

Everyone wants to be comfortable, so it’s clear that you need the best work-from-home tech. And, believe us, if there’s a work-from-home problem, technology will have found a solution. Some of the most useful peripherals to invest in are:

  • Couch Mouse: A mouse, even in the touchscreen age we live in, is vital for working on a PC. But conventional mice need hard, flat surfaces to operate. And this isn’t always an option if you’re working on a couch. Sure, you could use a built in touch pad on a laptop, but these don’t always suit every task. However, it’s possible to buy so called ‘couch mice’ which work on soft surfaces and provide perfect navigation. 
  • Noise Cancelling Headphones: Working from home, especially when your family is also there, can be a major challenge. A full house can get noisy very quickly and this can prove to be a major distraction. However, a set of noise cancelling headphones can provide a quick solution to this problem. By channeling your favorite music (or ambient sounds) through your headphones you will find that you can focus more closely on your work. And, if you need to take calls, you can use the headphones to win back some much needed privacy. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Millions of workers are now self-isolating and that means working from home for many people. But how do you make sure that your PC at home is healthy?

The luxury of working from an office is that the equipment there is regularly maintained and fairly new. However, when you have to work from home you will soon realize that your own equipment isn’t in the same shape. We’re all guilty of being a little lazy when we get home and IT maintenance certainly isn’t at the top of most people’s lists. But a little effort goes a long way when it comes to maintaining a PC.

And, best of all, you don’t need to be a fully trained IT technician to carry out a home checkup. In fact, it’s quick and easy as we’re about to show you.


How to Maintain Your PC with a Home Checkup

Working from home on your own PC is convenient, but it also puts you and your organization at risk. Therefore, make sure you maximize your productivity and safety by carrying out the following:

  • Install all Updates: We have a habit of ignoring PC updates at home as they get in the way of loading up Netflix. However, it’s important that complacency doesn’t creep into your IT activities at home. You need to make sure that all your software is up to date with the latest patches and firmware. Not only will this ensure that your software is secure, but it will enhance the functionality of your software. Most software will have an auto-update feature, so it’s crucial that this is activated. 
  • Check Your Router: The internet is vital when it comes to remote working. Without an internet connection you won’t be able to connect to your organization’s network. And this will leave you without any of the resources you need. So, it’s essential that your router is working and secure. A good connection is paramount, so you may need to adjust your router position to maximize the signal. And, to safeguard the security of your router, remove any default passwords and create something unique. 
  • Use Security Software: If you haven’t already got security software in place then this needs to be made a priority. It will protect your PC and, if you’re working remotely, strengthen the security of any connections to your business. There are a wide range of options when it comes to security software, so it can be daunting choosing one. It’s recommended that you stick to the industry leaders, so make a beeline to software developed by Kaspersky, McAfee and AVG. And you can rest assured that they provide plenty of free software.

Final Thoughts

The challenges of working from home are likely to be new for many employees. Thankfully, advances in technology mean that this is easier than ever. But you need to make sure that your PC at home is in excellent shape. It is, after all, your most valuable tool when it comes to working remotely. So, to guarantee a PC that is firing on all cylinders, you need to take note of the tips above.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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