We’re already halfway through 2023 and threat actors are showing no signs of slowing up, but just where is cybersecurity heading?

It may feel as though you’re waging a never-ending battle against hackers and, well, that’s exactly what you’re doing. However, the strategies and techniques of threat actors has changed significantly in the last two decades. Back in 2003, for example, ransomware was less prevalent, but now it’s a major player in terms of cyber-attacks. Therefore, it’s always good to keep one step ahead of the hackers and understand where they are likely to go next.

What Will Future Cyber Attacks Look Like?

The future of cybersecurity will be concerned with maintaining defenses against existing threats and tackling new, innovative strategies launched by threat actors. These attacks are expected to be based in the following categories:

Artificial Intelligence: the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) has been huge in the last couple of years, just look at the interest generated by ChatGPT in 2023. However, the power to cause damage with AI is causing just as many headlines. You can, for example, ask AI systems to help generate code to build computer programs. The exact same code which is used to build malware. This means that designing and executing malware could be easier than ever before, and lead to a surge in new attacks.

Remote working: since the pandemic, more and more employees have been working remotely. While this is convenient, and has been shown to enhance productivity, it also increases the risk of falling victim to malware. Although many remote workers connect to their employers through a VPN, they are often accessing this through devices which aren’t secure. Also, as they will not have colleagues directly around them to offer advice, employees will be more vulnerable to, for example, clicking a malicious link.

Phishing: threat actors have been launching phishing attacks for nearly 20 years, and this means that many PC users can easily spot a phishing email. But this doesn’t mean we’re safe. Instead, it’s likely that future attacks will be more sophisticated to be successful. Taking advantage of AI and machine learning, threat actors will be able to craft phishing emails which are both engaging and convincing. This will allow their attacks to be more successful and harvest more stolen data.

Cryptojacking: despite several significant attacks, cryptojacking is yet to hit the mainstream PC user in the same way that ransomware has. Nonetheless, cryptojacking attacks are on the rise. Accordingly, PC users are likely to become more familiar with them in the next few years. Cryptojacking, as the name suggests, involves hijacking a PC and using its computing resources to mine cryptocurrencies. Due to the huge amount of processing power required to mine cryptocurrency, these attacks target entire networks and can grind them to a halt.

Final Thoughts

These four attack strategies may not be troubling you every day, but they could soon become regular headaches. That’s why you need to adopt a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Make sure that you

keep updated on the latest threats, regularly review your security measures, and ensure that your staff are fully trained in cybersecurity best practices.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Remote working is becoming an increasingly popular way for organizations and their staff to operate. But it’s crucial that you know how to do it properly.

The popularity of remote working has been growing for several years, but this growth has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Working from remote locations, however, doesn’t come without challenges. A home, for example, wasn’t built to be used as a workplace. And it’s unlikely that a home will come pre-loaded with powerful communication options. But challenges such as these can easily be tackled.

All you have to do is take a look at our 5 best tips to make remote working on a PC a success.

Enhancing the Remote Working Experience

Simplicity is an essential part of any infrastructure and remote working is no different. Therefore, make sure you integrate these simple tips into your remote working setup:

  1. Comfort is Key: It’s important that you create a suitable working space for setting up your PC. A quiet location with minimal distractions is vital, so it’s a good idea to set up in a location away from TVs and any other noise sources. The most pressing element, however, is a good chair. You’re going to be sitting in the same seat for several hours a day, so you need to get one which is both comfortable and suitable.
  2. Collaboration Tools: Communicating while remote working is very different to communicating when all employees are based in a central location. Naturally, this can lead to an increase in the time taken to answer queries, but it’s easy to work around this. Software such as Microsoft Teams, Discord and Slack allows employees to communicate and collaborate with ease.
  3. Invest in Your Equipment: Whether you’re using your own PC or a work issued one, it pays to invest in your technology. It may be as simple as upgrading your internet connection to increase connection speeds and reliability. Alternatively, you may wish to invest in replacement peripherals which are more ergonomic such as mice, keyboards and headphones.
  4. Use Calendar Apps: Without a team around you, it’s difficult for you to keep on top of things. After all, an office full of employees can quickly remind you that you have a meeting coming up. But a remote worker doesn’t have this luxury. Therefore, using calendar apps such as Google Calendar and Microsoft Calendar can prove invaluable. Take time each week to set up important reminders in these to ensure you remain on top of your schedule.
  5. Don’t Ignore Technical Issues: One of the drawbacks of remote working is that a technical issue can quickly disrupt your day. The luxury of jumping on a spare workstation isn’t an issue when you’re away from the office. And this is why it’s crucial that you report all technical issues to your IT team as soon as possible. An early investigation could easily prevent a major technical fault and allow you to stay productive.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Remote working has become the norm for countless employees over the last two months, but it’s not easy. However, you can make remote working easier.

It’s not that remote working is difficult, it’s more that it’s a break from your normal working routine. And, depending on your age, this routine could have been in place for decades. It’s not easy to make this transition seamlessly and, given the current headlines, it’s understandable that working from home can feel tough. But you don’t have to let this situation descend into frustration. Instead, you can make a number of changes which make remote working that little bit easier.

An excellent place to start is by making changes to the way you use your PC.

How to Make Life Easier

There are many ways that you can make remote working easier and some of the simplest and most effective are:

  • Work Near Your Router: Home internet connections are more than capable of handling your workload, but this is all dependent on the strength of your signal. Therefore you need to work as near to your router as possible. That bed in your spare bedroom may be comfortable, but if the wireless signal there is weak then you run the risk of frequent disconnections. Be sure to use a good quality router.
  • Work with a Calendar App: Remote working tends to involve working on your own for long periods of time. Sure, there’s the modern luxury of video conferencing and chat software, but it’s not the same as being surrounded by your work colleagues. Accordingly, it can be difficult to stay on track with your schedule and workload. However, this situation can be reversed by setting yourself reminders. The calendar within Microsoft Outlook is more than adequate for this, but it’s possible to install third-party apps if you need more options.
  • Block Online Distractions: It’s easy to become distracted by the internet when you’re working from home, but this doesn’t have to be the case. There are a number of ‘blocker’ apps that can be installed on a PC to block out distractions. So, for example, if you want to block access to social media sites for an afternoon, you can program this into an app such as Freedom. You are then free to focus exclusively on your workload and ensure that you keep on top of it.
  • Connect Your Laptop to your TV: Working on a laptop isn’t always easy due to the limited screen sizes that are available. And this can be a problem if you need a large screen to organize your work. But there’s a very simple solution. Almost all modern laptops contain HDMI ports, so you should be able to easily connect your laptop to your 50” television set. All you need is a HDMI cable and a modern TV.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Advances in technology have created an environment where clocking in at the office is no longer required. But remote working is not without security risks.

Remote working is on the rise with many organizations offering this option to their employees. The benefits of remote working are numerous and apply to both employers and employees. But, away from the relative security of the office, remote working poses a number of security risks. Therefore, it’s crucial that your business finds a healthy balance. You need to develop a remote working environment which not only provides flexibility, but is also secure.

Achieving this combination is relatively easy. You just need to know how. And, thankfully, we’re going to show you how.

Keeping Remote Workers Safe

Remote workers are, to a certain degree, a law unto themselves. After all, working from a remote location means that immediate monitoring is next to impossible. So, you need to invest a certain level of trust. But we’re living in an age where cyber-attacks are reaching record highs. And this is why you need to help protect your employees in the following ways:

  • Security Training: Your employees are your main defense against security attacks, so they need the correct training to remain safe. And this applies to remote workers more than any other employee. Regular training on security protocols and updates on contemporary threats need to be put in place. 
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication: One of the surest ways to secure your remote workers is by putting two-factor authentication in place. This is a security procedure by which users have to provide additional information alongside a username and password. This can take the form of a PIN number sent to a mobile device or a secret question. It only takes seconds to pass two-factor authentication, but the enhanced security it provides is priceless. 
  • Monitor Devices Closely: It’s important to keep a regular eye on any company issued devices that are used remotely. For one thing, you need to make sure that your employees are working as they should be. But, when it comes to security, you should make sure you are analyzing their usage e.g. visiting malicious websites and connecting external devices such as USB drives. 
  • Implement a VPN: A virtual private network (VPN) is essential for remote workers. It’s difficult to guarantee that remote connections are fully secure, but a VPN solves this problem. Using multiple layers of encryption, a VPN protects any data being transmitted or received by remote workers. Therefore, data such as financial records and customer details will be secured from any external forces. 
  • Use Strong Passwords: This may sound simple, but a weak password is easier to crack than a complex one. However, this advice is ignored more often than you would think. So, you need to remind your employees of the importance of password security. And you need to prompt them to regularly change their passwords. Thankfully, creating strong and unique passwords is easy once you learn the basics. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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