We use passwords for so many different services and websites that we often resort to using the same password. But this approach is very dangerous.

Think about it for a second. If your one and only password is compromised then every account you use is at risk. This includes your business email, social media accounts and any in-house software your organization uses. And this constitutes a lot of sensitive data. Therefore, the one-password-fits-all approach is a tightrope we don’t recommend traversing.

But creating a password is tough. And remembering it is even more difficult. Especially, as discussed, when you need to remember so many on a daily basis. Sure, you could write them all down, but this in itself is a major security risk. And what if you lose the piece of paper? So, you need a number of password strategies that help you create a unique password every time.

Creating Unique Passwords You Can Remember

For a password to stand out it needs to be memorable. And, for it to remain secure, it needs to be hard to crack. That’s why using your name and date of birth, such as johndoe110275, makes for such a poor password. It may be memorable to you, but it also contains details that are easy to obtain. Instead, you need to get a little more creative.

Acronyms are one of the simplest ways to get creative with your passwords. For example, if you want a unique password for your business emails then you could come up with a phrase such as “I need my business emails on a day to day basis at all times” which, in turn, could form the acronym ‘Inmbeoad2db@at”. It’s a password which is difficult to crack, but also one that’s easy to remember for the creator.

An alternative to acronyms, and equally successful, is the use of passwords which appear similar, but are customized depending on where they are used. So, for example, you could start with a basic template of ‘Alway$_SITENAME_f0rme’ that you adapt for each different account you need to log into e.g. ‘Alway$_Linkedin_f0rme’ or ‘Alway$_Outlook_f0rme’.  This method allows you to memorize a fairly simple foundation for your passwords and then complete the blank with ease each time you need to access that website or app.

Finally, one of the easiest and quickest methods for creating unique passwords is by investing in a password manager. But what is a password manager? Well, rather than assigning the role of password manager to yourself you delegate it to an app. The password manager can not only create randomized passwords that are difficult to crack, but they also act as a digital storage safe. As a result, the pain of both creating and remembering your password for each and every service is significantly reduced.

Final Thoughts

By using proven methods and tapping in to your natural creativity it’s possible to create a unique password for every account you use. Remembering all of these passwords is also a lot easier than you think. But, even if you do struggle to remember them, help is at hand in the form of password managers. So, there really is no excuse for compromising your accounts by recycling the same old password across every account.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Is the Cloud Secure?

Cloud computing is seen as the future of IT, but concerns regarding its security remain. A case in point is the Freedom Healthcare Staffing leak.

Compromised data is always associated with various dangers and problems, but these are always magnified when the data at risk is personal. And the employees of Freedom Healthcare Staffing (FHS) now know what this feels like. Around 957,000 private records were found to be readily available to anyone with an internet connection. These records included drug test records, recruitment details and in-house communications among more technical networking details. Not only were these records available, but the opportunity to edit and delete this data was also an option.

As more and more organizations are moving towards cloud computing, it’s important to understand where FHS went wrong. Let’s see what we can find out.

What Happened with FHS?

The unsecured data at FHS was compromised for one reason and one reason only: negligence. The folder, which contained close to a million records, was on a publicly available drive and had no password protection. Therefore any web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, could access the data without providing any administration credentials. To make matters worse, the technical data that was visible in this folder provided an opportunity for hackers to delve even deeper into the FHS network. After a security researcher from Security Discovery analyzed this compromised database they informed FHS and all records were quickly secured.


Why is Cloud Security So Lax?

Cloud storage is a relatively recent development in IT, so it should come as no surprise that there are teething problems with the technology. But this doesn’t mean data should be left unsecured. Unfortunately, many consumers feel as though the responsibility of their data security should lie purely with the cloud provider. This approach, as FHS discovered, can be highly dangerous. You only have to take a look at the attacks taking place on cloud based data to understand why.

Organizations need to adopt a shared responsibility mindset in order to protect their cloud. And this should incorporate the following:

Enhanced knowledge will, with time, allow us to understand the limitations of cloud security, but as FHS discovered it’s important to take a proactive approach immediately.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Your PC network’s first line of defense is usually a password. But if you’re working with bad passwords then you run the risk of compromising this security.

Almost every computer application requires a password to access it. And, in business, these passwords can provide access to numerous terminals and networks. A lot of data is available on these computer systems and this is why security should always be a priority. However, your security can only be as strong as your first line of defense. And if your passwords are weak then your organization’s security is going to be equally weak.

There are certain mistakes associated with weak passwords that need to be eliminated from your business to keep it safe and secure. Let’s take a look at some of the most common password mistakes:

  • Writing it Down: All over the country there are thousands of Post-It notes containing secure login details that are attached to PCs. This is a major security risk. Passwords need protection of their own. If they’re on display for the entire world to see then, that’s right, the entire world can take advantage of them. Instead, memorize the password or invest in a password manager. 
  • Sharing Passwords: Although not quite as severe as writing your password down, sharing passwords with colleagues is still a guaranteed method of weakening your password. It may feel as though sharing your password – if, for example, you’re away from the office and a colleague needs to access a document on your PC – is a safe move, but there is no guarantee that your PC will remain secure. If you do have to share your password then make sure you change it as soon as possible. 
  • Using the Same Password: You should never use the same password across multiple applications. If you do favor recycling your passwords in this manner then you can easily fall victim to password bots. These automated pieces of code are loaded up with login details – usually purchased on the dark web – and then instructed to try and gain access to other websites with them. So, if your LinkedIn login details have been hacked, it’s possible for a hacker to use a bot to try these details in Gmail, Twitter and Instagram. And, if the details are the same, you’re going to get hacked. 
  • Based on Personal Details: An easy method for formulating a password that you can remember is by basing it on some personal details. So, for example, you may use your date of birth or your mother’s maiden name. It’s unlikely you’ll forget these, so you won’t have to write them down and compromise their security. The only problem is that personal details can easily be accessed by others. And this is never truer than in the digital age where our personal details are splashed all over our social media accounts. 
  • Too Simple: A password needs to be complex, so working with passwords such as ‘123456’ and ‘Password’ is a poor strategy. However, due to the ease with which these can be remembered, many people use them as passwords. And hackers are aware of this. What you really want is a password which is unusually complex e.g. one that doesn’t contain recognizable words or number sequences.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Data will always be one of the cornerstones of your business. But keeping this data secure in the 21st century is a big ask. So, how do you protect it?

A staggering amount of data is created every single day and your business will contribute to this with each order placed, every service request logged and all the mailing lists you create. Data such as this is sensitive and needs to be protected. If personal details are compromised then they can be used for fraudulent purposes. Your customers need to trust your organization to handle and protect their data correctly. But in a world full of hackers, malware and social engineering it can feel like an uphill struggle.

However, you can make a significant difference to your data protection. And it doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, you can elevate the security of your data quickly and effectively. All you have to do is follow our 7 tips for keeping your sensitive data secure.

  1. Use Cloud Storage

Individual PCs can become compromised by security breaches. And this means that the data stored on this hardware is up for grabs. But if this data is stored remotely it’s securer and less likely to be stolen. The perfect way to achieve this is by investing in remote cloud storage.

  1. Never Display Passwords

Passwords should never be displayed e.g. written on a Post-It note stuck to your monitor. Hackers don’t have to be external figures, they can easily be an internal threat. Therefore, create passwords which you can remember easily and don’t need to have visible reminders for.

  1. Make Sure Deleted Files are Overwritten

A deleted file isn’t necessarily deleted. And a hacker who knows what they’re doing can easily retrieve those files you thought were deleted for all eternity. But if these deleted files are overwritten enough times then you can make it impossible to retrieve them from your hard drive.

  1. Always Encrypt USB Sticks

USB sticks are useful for carrying around large amounts of data in a small space, but their small size means they’re easy to lose. Therefore, you should always ensure that data on these devices is encrypted and password protected.

  1. Install Anti-Malware Protection

You can never take enough precautions when it comes to data security, so anti-malware software should always form part of your strategy. Malware operates stealthily and can steal your data at a rapid pace. But with anti-malware protection in place you can reduce the risk of malware getting a foothold in your system.

  1. Always Install Updates

PC software and hardware is prone to security vulnerabilities. And these vulnerabilities give hackers the opportunity to access your systems and your data. Installing all updates at the earliest opportunity helps you to avoid having your systems and data compromised.

  1. Destroy Old Hard Drives

Technology advances at a rapid pace and PC hardware can soon become obsolete in the face of newer, faster technology. Hard drives are a case in point. But you need to make sure old hard drives are disposed of correctly. They contain a lot of data, so need to be thoroughly cleaned and then shredded to prevent any sensitive data being made available to external sources.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Cyber-attacks are on the rise, so protecting your business has never been more important. But what exactly are the benefits of cyber security?

We all know about the need for firewalls and anti-virus software. They provide us with a layer of defense from the legions of hackers itching to access our data. Those who are new to the world of IT, however, are unlikely to know why they need cyber security. What can it deliver? Well, let’s run through six reasons why you should invest in cyber security:

  1. Protects Your Data: Businesses work with huge amounts of data in the 21st And, whether its employee or customer data, it’s going to be sensitive. This needs to be protected to prevent identity theft or financial damage. A professional approach to cyber security will reduce this threat and protect the integrity of you data. 
  1. Maintains Productivity: While the headlines regarding cyber-attacks always focus on data and costs, they fail to look at the impact on productivity. If, for example, a ransomware attack hits your network then critical files are going to be out of action. This means that your employees will be unable to work. And the impact that this can have on your organization’s productivity can be devastating. 
  1. Financial Damage: Cyber-attacks can hit a company where it hurts: the bank balance. Ransomware demands are, naturally, the most obvious cause of financial distress, but there are others. A drop in productivity can soon lead to a drop in sales which can significantly impact your revenue streams. And there’s also the chance that irreparable damage could be caused to your hardware resulting in the need for new purchases. 
  1. Protects Your Website: One of the cornerstones of a successful marketing strategy in the 21st century is a website. Whether it’s being used to promote your services or sell them it needs to be running 24/7. It’s a crucial communication channel, but it’s also one that’s regularly targeted by hackers. With the correct level of investment in cyber security you can limit the risk of it being compromised. This keeps your website running and ensures that your marketing strategies can run smoothly. 

  1. Keeps Malware Out: Malicious software, better known as malware, is the bane of all security professionals. Capable of causing massive damage to IT infrastructures, malware is a form of hacking which embraces subterfuge and results in untold problems for the victims. It can steal data, it can slow down systems and even set up attacks on other businesses. But if you invest in cyber security then then the chances of malware activating its payload is reduced. 
  1. Provides Customer Confidence: Consumers are wary of data security more than ever in the digital age. Therefore, inspiring trust in your IT systems is essential. If you can demonstrate that you’re working with professionals to protect your customers’ data then you can inspire this trust. Not only will you be able to protect your customer’s data, but you will enhance their loyalty to your brand.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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