Technology advances at a rapid pace, and this means you need to build scalability into your IT infrastructure to maintain future productivity. 

Businesses need to future proof their IT infrastructure to ensure long-term success and sustainability. After all, technology is constantly evolving, and failing to adapt can result in outdated systems which hinder growth, productivity, and competitiveness. But if you adopt a culture of future proofing, you can minimize this risk by using new technology to enhance scalability and maximize your productivity. Implementing scalability, however, is easier said than done. And that’s why we’ve decided to give you a head start with some suggestions. 

The Best Future Proofing Methods for Success 

If you want to make sure that your IT infrastructure remains relevant and keeps one eye on the future, make sure you adopt these best practices for future proofing: 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals. 

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The way in which we work has changed radically in the last 10 years. Helping organizations get to grip with these changes is Microsoft 365 Business.

The need for flexibility within business has never been more apparent since the Covid-19 pandemic entered our lives. Thankfully, flexibility had been on the rise in business for some time. Remote working, bring your own device schemes and tailored working hours have all helped to make flexible working a reality. Traditional IT infrastructures, however, aren’t necessarily set up to deal with these arrangements. But this is where a service such as Microsoft 365 Business steps in.

What is Microsoft 365 Business?

Originally launched in 2011 as Office 365, Microsoft 365 is a collection of products and services designed by Microsoft. The service is subscription based with plans available including consumer, small business and enterprise. These plans are made available to users through cloud computing and this is what makes it invaluable for flexible working. Not only is it perfect for teamwork, but it also meets the needs of individual users.

The ‘business’ subscriptions of Microsoft 365 feature significantly more features than the consumer plan. Additional features and functions available to Microsoft 365 Business users include:

  • Microsoft 365 Apps for Business: A range of Office applications that can be used across a variety of PC, Mac and mobile devices for up to five devices per user.
  • Office 365 Enterprise: Provides users with access to the complete range of Office applications and hosted services. Full support is also available to safeguard against any technical issues.

What are the Benefits of Microsoft 365 Business?

It’s important to understand how Microsoft 365 Business can benefit your organization, so let’s take a look at the benefits on offer:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Microsoft 365 Business was built with collaboration in mind. And it delivers this with power. The presence of Microsoft Teams allows team members to communicate and share files with ease. This is essential for collaboration, but Microsoft 365 Business also allows you to synchronize your email, contacts and calendar. An important function and one which ensures you will never miss meetings and communications again.
  • Powerful Security: The threat of malware increases with each passing day, so protecting your IT infrastructures is paramount. And Microsoft 365 Business takes the pain out of this security with its simplistic, yet powerful security options. Devices such as laptops and mobile phones can easily be remotely wiped of all data if they are lost or stolen. It’s also possible for IT teams to quickly restrict access to specific users to minimize the risk of any data loss.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Education is a crucial element of society, so attacks on this sector are very attractive to hackers. And this is why they are now targeting universities.

Universities, of course, are huge organizations packed full of students and tutors. As a result, these groups generate massive amounts of data every day. This makes these establishments massive data centers. And it’s no surprise that hackers can’t resist testing their defenses. Their latest attack has targeted a specific cloud computing provider in the form of Blackbaud and has affected a number of universities worldwide.

You may not work in a university, but all malware attacks contain important lessons we can learn from. Let’s take a closer look and find out what happened in the Blackbaud attack.

Attacking the Cloud

Blackbaud, a global provider of administrative and financial software to educational institutions, was targeted and attacked in May. The attack in question used a ransomware strategy to disrupt operations and demand a ransom. The exact source of infection has not been disclosed, but it would appear that the hackers began encrypting data immediately. However, Blackbaud mounted a quick response and were able to expel the hackers before the data was fully encrypted.

Unfortunately, a significant amount of data had already been copied by the hackers. And this data was of a particularly sensitive nature. It does not appear that any credit card details were copied, but phone numbers and donation histories were confirmed to have been duplicated. Blackbaud, therefore, was forced to pay a ransom in order for the hackers to destroy their copy.

Avoiding Ransomware Attacks

The Blackbaud attack may not have been the most devastating of malware attacks, but any breach is cause for concern. And, given that this attack targeted several large universities, the number of individuals affected is huge. As with all malware attacks, though, it’s possible to negate these attacks before they take hold. All you have to do is follow these simple practices:

  • Say No to Unverified Links: One of the hallmarks of ransomware attacks is the usage of malicious links. These links may promise to send you somewhere safe – such as your online banking page – but the true destination will be somewhere less safe. These malicious destinations are likely to attack your PC or install malware. Make sure that all links are checked and verified before clicking. 
  • Don’t Give Out Personal Data: Hackers will often facilitate their ransomware attacks by employing a social engineering strategy. The information gained from such an approach can be used by hackers to tailor phishing emails to appeal to you e.g. understanding who your phone provider is allows hackers to design emails from that specific provider. As a rule of thumb, never give out personal details to unsolicited callers. 

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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One of the most useful aspects of cloud computing lies within the domain of Software as a Service (SaaS). But what is SaaS and what can it do for you?

Competition within business is fierce and it’s important that your organization maximizes its productivity. Even a small percentage increase in productivity can make a big difference. And that’s why many businesses are working with SaaS models. It’s a software strategy which allows you to make applications available over the internet through a third party host. The concept may sound straightforward, but it’s also a powerful one which is packed full of benefits.

To help you understand SaaS in more depth, we’re going to take a look at what it is and the benefits it can deliver.

What is SaaS?

SaaS is a distribution model which allows companies to make their applications available over the internet. The application is hosted by a third party host (such as Microsoft, Oracle and SAP) which provides customers with access to a single copy of the app. All customers have access to the exact same application and, therefore, the same features and upgrades. And, given that this is a branch of cloud computing, customers also have the option of storing their data in the cloud as well as on local storage.

The Benefits of SaaS

SaaS models have been adopted by all manner of organizations be they small or large. And this rapid take up rate is one that has been fuelled by the following benefits:

  • Accessibility: The remote access aspect of SaaS makes it highly accessible. All that a customer needs to connect to the application is an internet connection and a PC, laptop or smart device. This opens up your service to a much larger audience and eliminates the need to go through the rigors of a lengthy software installation process. 
  • Easy Updates: Traditional routes of firmware upgrades and patches have involved individual install processes by IT professionals. This has reduced productivity due to the time taken to complete the install. But SaaS puts an end to this. As all customers are accessing the same software, only one update needs to be completed by the application owner. This ensures that all customers receive the same upgrades at the same time with the minimum of fuss. 
  • Quick Startup: SaaS applications are already installed in the cloud and guarantee a swift start up process. There’s no need to watch an install progress bar, the software is available straight out of the box. It will also come fully configured and allow your customers to start getting productive almost instantly. 
  • Low Investment: The initial costs associated with software applications are noticeably reduced in SaaS. Instead of a one-off licensing fee, SaaS applications tend to work on a subscription model. There’s also the added bonus of the third-party host managing the infrastructure which houses the software. Again, this minimizes any initial costs and makes for an attractive software package.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Cloud services are one of the hottest trends when it comes to IT and business. But it’s a new form of technology. And this means it comes loaded with risk.

The headlines regarding the boom in cloud computing have been plentiful and the future remains bright. Therefore, it’s an area of IT that your organization has to get on board with. After all, the benefits associated with the cloud are numerous. And they have the capacity to transform your organization into a stronger, more functional and more competitive business. So, it sounds pretty enticing, right?

But migrating your services to the cloud is a big step. There are many risks and factors to take into consideration. And that’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to avoid cloud migration risks.

What are the Risks?

There are a number of risks to consider when migrating to the cloud and these include:

  • Unauthorized Use of Services: One of the major risks of cloud computing is that cloud service providers allow additional services to be installed by default. And this is down to the self-service nature of the cloud. Therefore, employees with access with the cloud have the option to install unauthorized software. And this could soon led to malware being installed. 
  • Increase in Complexity: The complexity of the cloud can have a major impact on your IT resources. IT staff will be required to learn an entire new model of IT, so this will add extra strain to their workload. Perhaps most concerning is the lack of knowledge regarding cloud security. This weakness in security could pose a massive threat to your network. 
  • Data is Always at Risk: No cloud service provider is perfect. And your data will always be at some form of risk on their platform. The backup servers, for example, of a cloud based platform are just as vulnerable to acts of God and hackers. Data loss, therefore, cannot be eliminated and requires additional solutions.

How Do You Avoid these Risks?

Thankfully, all of these risks can be minimized. The key to success is planning in every aspect of the migration. So, make sure that your organization does the following:

  • Configure Slowly and Carefully: Migrating to the cloud is not something that can be rushed. You need to proceed slowly and ensure that everything is set up correctly. And this is most important when it comes to privileges. These need to be managed correctly to minimize the risk of unauthorized access causing major problems for your security.
  • Establish Prior Training: Cloud technology is relatively new and this has resulted in a lack of available skills being available. But this does not have to be a definitive situation for your business. So, the first step of your cloud migration should be to establish a training program. By proceeding in this manner you will ensure a hassle free migration.
  • Work with Multiple Backup Methods: You should never rely on just one form of data storage. And the cloud is no different. To minimize the risk of any data disasters it’s crucial that you work with multiple backup methods. It could be the difference between your data being available and your organization remaining functional.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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