Upgrading hardware can be a costly affair, so it’s often easier to stick with your existing hardware. How many benefits, though, are you missing out on?

New hardware is constantly being released, but there are two main reasons that organizations shy away from investing:

  • The initial costs are deemed too high when the current hardware can meet a certain level of performance
  • The downtime involved in installing new software is a major turnoff due to the break in productivity it can cause

However, aside from these necessary evils, upgrading your hardware can bring a wide range of benefits that your organization cannot ignore. To help you understand why upgrading could make a real difference to your productivity, here’s a list of the benefits:

Enhanced Performance

New hardware will almost always be quicker and more productive than your existing hardware. Technology advances at such a rapid pace that external hard drives hold more storage space than ever, printers print more sheets per minute and servers can operate at much higher speeds. With this increase in productivity, your organization can achieve more and increase the time available to advance your operations even further.

Increased Security

Cyber security is becoming more and more important, so it’s no surprise to find that it’s become a major selling point of new hardware. Not only is new hardware protected from all existing threats, hackers are unfamiliar with these new systems. Therefore, there’s less chance of them becoming vulnerable to security threats for a significant period of time. Additionally, support will be available for new hardware for much longer than your existing technology.

Downtime is Reduced

While it’s true that installing new hardware results in a certain amount of downtime, new hardware will actually reduce your organization’s IT downtime in the long run. Older hardware becomes less reliable over time and this is why crashes on older systems can easily become commonplace. However, with hardware upgraded, you’ll soon discover how your downtime is reduced due to the increased reliability of your new hardware.

Better Communications

Upgrading hardware can seriously boost your organization’s ability to communicate. Video conferencing software, for example, has now expanded into 4K technology and this not only looks fantastic, but also allows your organization to communicate clearly and professionally. And when it comes to communication technology, you want to be using the very best to engage with your staff and your customers.

Better Experience for your Employees

Your employees want to be using the best technology as it makes their jobs easier and more productive. Say, for example, your network is prone to lags in speed, this is going to seriously frustrate your employees who are unable to connect to certain applications. However, with upgraded hardware you’re enhancing your employees’ experience. No longer is there any delay in completing tasks and, as a result, they can achieve more than ever in a timely manner.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.


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Backing up data is crucial for any organization, but it’s even more important that a good backup is performed or it may not be worth backing up at all.

Wasting time and resources on the wrong type of data or failing to backup data effectively can spell disaster for your restore options, so it’s essential you maximize the efficiency of your backup process. Understanding how you can improve and enhance your backup process, though, is a major struggle that many organizations face.

Therefore, we’ve put together a few pointers on how you can begin to reorganize your backup process and ensure that the data you need is available when you need it.

Keep Three Copies of Your Backup

The more sure-fire way to protect the availability of your data is by making multiple copies. The minimum you need is three, but what’s most important are the locations these backups are stored in. Naturally, you will want one copy based on site, but to minimize a loss of data you will also want two copies that are based off site. By storing these in, for example, a cloud based server or a remote data center, your organization can rest assured that a successful restore is almost guaranteed in almost all data loss scenarios.

Monitor Your Backups

As data gets bigger and bigger, the complexities behind backups increase accordingly. And this is why monitoring and analyzing your backups is more important than ever. To better understand how your system is coping then you will need to implement systems which can automatically survey servers and monitor how effective your backup process is and list any failures. Performing this kind of analysis manually is incredibly labor intensive and involves a lot of spreadsheets, so investing in specialized, automated software is vital to safeguard future backups.

Cloud Backup is Crucial

Cloud servers provide a highly elastic option for all your backup and restore needs, so there’s no excuse for not integrating them into your backup process. Not only can cloud servers help to counter the rapid increase in data size, but, as a remote system, they deliver fantastic protection from ransomware and other data disasters. Data can be transferred/accessed from cloud servers exceptionally quickly compared to traditional wide-area networks, so a cloud server can get your organization back on track quicker than ever before.

Protect Everything

While Windows is the primary target of most data attacks, it’s impossible to say that other services – such as the virtual application host Citrix – will not become the focus of attacks in the near future. Protecting all your servers and applications, therefore, allows you to keep your defenses fully manned and minimizes the amount of data loss that could occur. It’s important, however, that you don’t complicate your backup process with numerous pieces of software to help backup individual components. Instead, look for an all-in-one solution that can automate all the various backups and keep all your data safe.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The computer servers that support your business are the backbone that keeps your organization productive, but how do you keep your business servers safe?

Every week seems to bring a new security threat and you can rest assured that the number and ferocity of these attacks isn’t going to subside anytime soon. Your business servers, of course, contain untold amounts of sensitive data that could be used to harm not only your business, but also your customers. Therefore, keeping on top of your servers’ security is paramount in protecting your data from the all too real threat of hackers.

To help you stabilize and improve the security of your business servers, we’ve put together a plan of recommendations to help you meet your security objectives.

Run an Antivirus. Regularly.

Viruses can spread from file to file very quickly and, before you know it, your entire server can become compromised. However, a piece of antivirus software can prevent the majority of existing viruses taking hold of your servers. Quarantining infected or suspicious files allows you to analyze anything that is flagged as potentially dangerous, so installing antivirus software really is a prerequisite of good security practices. And, to really maximize its effectiveness, run it regularly as an infection could occur at any point during in the day.

Update Your Server Software

Many pieces of malware work by exploiting security vulnerabilities in software such as Petya and NotPetya, but these vulnerabilities could be easily avoided by patching. Installing patches, though, can feel like a tiresome task, particularly when your organization needs to stay productive. To put things into perspective you need to weigh up the minimal downtime of installing updates against the havoc caused by an infected server. The answer’s pretty obvious, right? Install those patches and install them immediately.

Educate Your Staff on Security Threats

Your staff are the first line of defense against any cyber-attacks on your organization, so it’s crucial that they’re trained in what to look for and what to do in the case of an attack. Naturally, they’re not going to be partitioning infected servers or installing critical updates, but they can do the very basics. And this can be as simple as good password practices or understanding how to identify a phishing email.

Backup Your Data

Ransomware has become a major issue for businesses in the last couple of years and, in many cases, paying the ransom doesn’t even guarantee the release of your files. And this is why it’s vital that your organization embraces backups to help safeguard your data in the event of a ransomware attack. Backups have been a cornerstone of IT security since the dawn of the digital age and their importance should never be underestimated.

Keep Web Browsing Separate

The internet is a portal to untold amounts of information, but it’s also a gateway to untold security threats. And this is the last thing you want your business server exposed to. Providing internet access through a separate server (to your main server), therefore, allows you to minimize the risk to your most important data.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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If there’s a piece of hardware that’s crucial for maximizing productivity on a PC then it’s the mouse. However, which one is right for your business?

It’s inevitable that, at some point this week, you’ll grasp a mouse in the palm of your hand and use it to get the best out of your work. Whether it’s helping you navigate your way round a spreadsheet or granting you the dexterity to design a new logo, a mouse is a vital tool in business. Not all PC mice, though, are the same. In fact, the amount of variance in terms of functions and features is so wide ranging that it can be difficult to pick the right one for your needs.

To save you a headache, we’ve done a little bit of research to help you choose the best PC mouse for your business.

Optical Mice

Although basic in terms of features, an optical mouse is perhaps the best type of mouse for your basic business needs. Using an LED sensor to detect movement, an optical mouse attaches to a PC by a USB cable and provides quick and easy interaction for tasks such as data entry, word processing and email.

Customizable Mice

Creative industries such as app development and music production involve working with complex pieces of software, so making this task easier is essential. And, with a mouse that comes complete with customizable buttons and wheels, you can not only save time, but reduce your frustration levels. With more buttons and wheels than your average mouse, the user has the option to program specific commands into these peripherals to minimize the time spent executing commands.

Wireless Mice

A wireless mouse is similar to an optical mouse except for one small difference. Yes, you guessed it, there’s no wire involved. It’s a small difference, but also a significant one in terms of accessibility. No longer do you need to be restricted by the length of a wire, you’re limited only by the range of your wireless signal. Where wireless mice really shine is in presentations as they allow the presenter to sit with their audience rather than beneath the presentation screen.

Mouse Pen

When it comes to drawing on a PC, a mouse pen provides a highly realistic option. Whereas a standard mouse will contribute only unsteady movements, a mouse pen delivers more finesse and accuracy to any design projects you’re working on. With a number of these devices now taking advantage of wireless technology, they’re vital pieces of kit for designers.

Ergonomic Mice

Available in a wide range of designs, ergonomic mice look very different to your standard mouse, but they’re just as effective and sometimes more so. Featuring a variety of twists, tilts and button positioning, ergonomic mice provide enhanced comfort to the user. Reducing the amount of unnatural wrist movements can make a real difference to productivity, particularly for tasks such as data entry and word processing.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Data is getting increasingly bigger and, while this allows us to analyze data more effectively, it’s also putting a major strain on our storage.

And that’s why so many organizations are looking to improve their storage options. After all, data is crucial for your organization to operate and remain competitive e.g. storing customer details and monitoring their purchasing history etc. Naturally, data storage has become a huge industry, so the options available for storing data have multiplied significantly.

Understanding which option is best for you, however, isn’t always straightforward. Therefore, to help you get started, we’re going to take a look at the best data storage options for your organization.

  1. Network Attached Storage

Network attached storage (NAS) allows large amounts of data to be stored in a central point which can be easily shared across an entire network. The most common form of NAS is an external hard drive which comes complete with Ethernet ports or built in WiFi. These devices can easily be integrated into your network and, with capacities now exceeding 4TB, can store huge amounts of data.

  1. Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is the new kid on the block when it comes to data storage and is being readily adopted by organizations. With cloud networks managed by third parties and all hardware being kept in central hub offsite, cloud storage allows your organization to save physical space while providing quick access to your data. An added bonus of cloud storage is that it provides amazing accessibility when it comes to accessing your data. Not only can your in-house staff access data immediately, but remote workers can log on to the cloud network from anywhere with an internet connection.

Accessibility is vital when it comes to sharing data, so many online services have sprung up which allow you to store and share data securely. Services such as Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft Drive grant you a set amount of space online to upload data and provide sharing links to colleagues and clients. While the initial (and free) storage space is limited, it provides a useful option for storing small sets of data online which take the strain off your internal storage capacities.

  1. Direct Attached Storage

Direct Attached Storage (DAS) devices are, as their name suggests, a form of storage which attaches directly to a computer. The most well-known forms of DAS are external hard drives and thumb drives. Capable of holding large amounts of data, DAS devices provide a useful storage option for new businesses that are looking to minimize storage costs, but not run out of space for their data.

  1. Offline Storage

Data is certainly getting bigger, but one of the oldest forms of data storage still has a place in modern business. Offline storage has been around for decades and involves using optical discs such as CDs and Blu-Rays to archive important data. And, although the data is not immediately available as it is with more modern storage options, offline storage is incredibly secure while also being available in the case of a network failure.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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