Webmail remains a crucial way in which you can keep on top of your digital communication, but what happens when people start spying on it?
While AOL email addresses are far from a popular choice in 2021, there are still significant numbers in use. Gmail, however, is much more in demand, with an estimated 1.8 billion users. So, it doesn’t take a genius to see why these platforms would turn a hacker’s head. Protecting such huge amounts of data, therefore, should be paramount. Unfortunately, both AOL and Gmail have fallen short in this respect due to a malicious browser extension. And the main impact of this is that their users have found their webmail accounts compromised.
With such significant data passing through webmail accounts, it’s important that you understand any relevant threats. This slice of malware – dubbed SHARPEXT – is the perfect example of one you need to be on your guard against, so let’s take a look at it.
How Does SHARPEXT Peer Over Your Shoulder?
The infected browser extensions are believed to target three specific browsers: Chrome, Edge and Naver Whale (a South Korean browser). Judging by the evidence on offer, security researchers have determined that SHARPEXT is the work of a North Korean cybercrime group known as SharpTongue. Once the malicious browser extension is activated, it works in a novel way. Whereas similar strains of malware focus on harvesting login credentials, SHARPEXT browses its victims mail and extracts individual emails from the inbox.
You may be wondering how the SHARPEXT extension finds its way into your browser, after all, who would knowingly install a sophisticated piece of spyware on their PC? Well, as ever, it’s down to a stealthy approach by the threat actors. After sending the victim an infected document, SharpTongue use social engineering techniques to convince the recipient to open it; this installs the spyware in the background, where it remains unseen by antivirus software.
How Do You Avoid the Threat of SHARPEXT?
No one wants their email compromised and, for an organization, this can be particularly troubling due to the data at risk. And SHARPEXT is unlikely to be the last attack which uses similar techniques. Therefore, it’s vital that you know how to protect yourself and your PC against it:
- Understand the threat of phishing emails: it’s important that your staff know how to identify a phishing email; these are one of the most common methods employed by hackers to compromise PCs. A phishing attack can be activated in seconds and, in a worst-case scenario, turn over complete control of a PC or network to a hacker.
- Block any SHARPEXT identifiers: the coding used within SHARPEXT is innovative as it uses coding unfamiliar to security tools. Thankfully, security experts Volexity have compiled a list of identifying code which IT professionals can use to identify extensions running SHARPEXT.
- Restrict the Installation of Extensions: in a work-based setting, there’s little reason for your employees to be installing browser extensions onto their PCs. Accordingly, it makes sense for your organization to restrict who can install extensions. If a specific extension is required, then an employee should submit a request to their IT team.
For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.
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