The terminology used to describe various hacks and security threats usually includes the terms malware, ransomware and virus, but what exactly are these?

It can get a little confusing when discussing the various security concerns that are floating around and this confusion can lead to a lapse in security. After all, if you’re reading about malware, but don’t know exactly what it is you’re reading about, then you’re going to be unable to act against it. And that’s why we’re going to take the time today to explore each particular category in a little more detail.

What is Malware?

Malware is very much an all-encompassing term for any form of malicious software, so this can include ransomware and viruses. However, we’re going to cover those two categories in depth later, so for now we’ll look at some other types of malware:

  • Spyware: Installed on a user’s PC without their knowledge, spyware is software that can be used to track user activity and then transmit this to a remote server e.g. keystrokes can be recorded to determine and steal login details.
  • Bots: Capable of bringing entire networks to a halt, bots are a particularly troubling form of malware that can easily harness the power of an infected PC to carry out spam email campaigns or DDoS attacks.
  • Rootkits: Highly conspicuous and deceptive, rootkits allow hackers to take control of infected PCs from a remote location. Usually installed at a root level, hence the name, rootkits provide privileged access to the victim’s PC.

What is a Virus?

Much like the common cold, a computer virus is an infection which can spread quickly and effectively. Exposure to a computer virus usually occurs when the PC encounters an infected website or file. Following this exposure, the virus is downloaded to the PC and executed. And this can generate the following results:

  • The PC startup process can become corrupted and leave users unable to log on to their workstation.
  • Performance levels can suddenly drop as your PCs processing power is handed over to the virus’ tasks.
  • PCs can find themselves spammed by numerous popup adverts which, if they’re particularly virulent, can soon crash the computer or slow it down significantly.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware has grabbed countless headlines over the last few years and it remains a pressing concern for any business. Most commonly spread through phishing emails, ransomware’s main objective is to extort a ransom in exchange for the release of files it has encrypted.

Once the ransom has been paid then the hackers should, in theory, supply a key to decrypt the files. However, it’s becoming increasingly common for hackers to take the ransom, which is usually demanded in untraceable cryptocurrency, and leave the compromised files encrypted.

Final Thoughts

Whether you find your PCs affected by malware, a virus or ransomware, it’s clear that they spell danger for your organization. It may sound a little clichéd, but when it comes to malicious software then prevention is the best cure. And one of the best ways to prevent your PCs from falling foul of infection is by educating yourself on exactly what you’re up against.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Most public spaces from coffee shops through to shopping malls now contain some form of public WiFi, but are these public networks 100% safe to use?

When your office based employees connect to the internet, they’re making this connection through your own network. And this means that you’re able to monitor all incoming and outgoing activity. Rather that monitoring which websites your employees are visiting, though, the main reason for monitoring these connections is to make sure that nothing malicious is entering your network. Remote workers, however, are likely to take advantage of public WiFi as a considerable amount of their work will be completed away from your work connection.

Due to the unique nature of each and every public WiFi network, it’s crucial that you understand the concerns surrounding these types of connections.

The Dangers of Public WiFi

Public WiFi may appear to be extremely convenient, but there are a number of security issues attached to connecting to public hotspots such as:

  • Lack of Details: When you connect to a public WiFi network there’s no way of knowing exactly what you’re connecting to. This, in itself, is a dangerous move and is one of the main reasons why public WiFi is frowned upon by security experts. 
  • WPA2 Vulnerability: Most public WiFi uses WPA2 encryption to protect data, but the security of WPA2 has been called into question over the last few years due to the discovery of a major vulnerability in its code. 
  • Malware Threat: Due to the lack of security surrounding public WiFi networks, it’s very easy for a hacker to position themselves in between the connection point and, for example, your laptop. This allows the hacker the opportunity to discreetly upload malware to your device and execute its malicious payload.

Should You Use Public WiFi?

Clearly, there are a number of risks involved in using public WiFi and the simplest way to avoid these dangers is by completely avoiding these connections. However, there are certain scenarios where it’s crucial that your remote employee needs to connect to whichever network is available. And in these cases you should follow these best practices:

  • Use a VPN: A virtual private network (VPN) is a service that creates an encrypted connection between your device and the remote server of your VPN. Any hacker who manages to intercept this connection will only be able to view a highly encrypted message which will be absolutely useless to them. 
  • Verify the Connection: One of the simplest ways to evaluate the connection on offer is to double check the legitimacy of the available connections with an employee at the location in question. At the very least they will be able to confirm whether the connection is genuine or fake. 
  • Use Anti-Malware Software: Protecting yourself with anti-malware software should be a given, but when people are using remote devices they fail to appreciate just how vulnerable these are. Even the simplest form of anti-malware software provides an effective defense, so make sure your device is protected.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Cloud storage and infrastructure is the way forwards for organizations due to the massive range of benefits it offers, but how secure is your cloud?

Security is the single most important factor when it comes to an organization’s IT operations, so it’s essential that it’s treated with the utmost attention. However, cloud networks are a relatively new platform and, as a result, the level of security knowledge behind these platforms is lacking compared to more traditional networks. Hackers, of course, are keen to this fact and invest substantial time and effort in uncovering security vulnerabilities that they can exploit. Combating this threat, therefore, is paramount to your organization’s security.

As I’ve already stated, cloud networks are a new phenomenon and the wider community generally isn’t as clued up on them as they perhaps should be. And this leads to common mistakes that can cost dearly. However, by taking a look at the biggest cloud security mistakes you can make, you can hopefully avoid them.

Multi-factor Authentication is Vital

Administrative accounts on cloud networks have significantly more privileges than your standard employee’s privileges. Mostly, this is down to the amount of IT knowledge required to carry out these system admin tasks. A non-IT employee simply doesn’t need these privileges. Accordingly, an administrative account is much more attractive to a hacker, so security needs to be tightened. Any cloud platform that understands security risks should have an option for multi-factor authentication, so make sure this is rigorously enforced for all administrative accounts.

Limit the Use of your Admin Account

The root account is the first account you create when you sign up with a cloud provider. It’s a highly privileged account as it contains access to every aspect of your cloud network. If this account is compromised then your entire cloud network is at the mercy of hackers. And this is why you need to limit usage on this account to only the most necessary tasks e.g. do not use the root account for general day to day tasks that put you more at risk of being infected by malware etc.

Check the Encryption Methods

Security moves at a rapid pace and the level of encryption that is now available on cloud networks such as TLS-based encryption is fantastic. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of cloud networks that still operate with less security encryption methods such as the SSL protocol. To minimize the risk of your cloud account becoming compromised, you need to investigate the encryption method used on your network. If it’s even slightly outdated, then it’s time to upgrade.

Restrict the Availability of Sensitive Information

The beauty of cloud storage is that it can be accessed from anywhere, so this opens up your data to a much larger audience if you grant them access to it. While this allows you to collaborate with other organizations and remote employees much more easily than ever before, it also puts your data at risk. Your organization needs to bear this in mind and access controls need to be thoroughly thought through to prevent sensitive data being accessed outside of your organization. Ensure that your employees are aware of the open nature of cloud networks when saving data to such public drives.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Most malware can be eradicated once its DNA has been analyzed and solutions are developed by security experts, but what happens when it can’t be combated?

Unkillable malware may be a rare phenomenon, but it’s a reality that could become increasingly common. And when we say unkillable, we mean that the malware itself simply can’t be removed from a PC. You can replace hard drives and reinstall Windows, but the malware will remain on the PC. The disruption this can cause is immense and presents a serious threat to productivity for any organization affected. Although these forms of malware are currently rare, it’s likely that advances in technology and the skills of hackers could see their popularity increasing.

A recent strain of unkillable malware is LoJax, so we’re going to take a look at this and see what lessons we can learn.

The Unkillable LoJax

The origins of LoJax go all the way back to 2008 and, surprisingly, it all started with a piece of anti-theft software named LoJack. The LoJack software helped to protect PCs by working its way deep inside the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). Much like the traditional BIOS, UEFI helps to connect a PCs operating system to its firmware and is the first program that runs at startup. LoJax has taken the advanced technology of LoJack and modified it so that it can remain hidden deep within the workings of a PC.

And no matter what changes a user makes to their PC – be it software or hardware related – LoJax will retain a presence on that PC. Not only will LoJax be able to continually execute tasks in relative safety, it will also be able to keep up communications with remote command and control servers. This allows updates to be issued alongside new tools and pieces of malware. Clearly, LoJax is a particularly insidious and persistent threat to your PC.

First discovered in early 2018, LoJax has lived up to its reputation as unkillable and continues to wreak havoc several months later. Worst of all, many of the command and control servers are the original ones that were setup by the hackers. Usually, these C&C servers have to be regularly relocated and updated to thwart the efforts of security experts. However, underlining their ‘unkillable’ credentials, the hackers have been able to continue using their original setup without any resistance.

Are You Safe from LoJax?

It’s believed that LoJax was develop and created by the Russian hacking group Fancy Bear who appear to be in collusion with the Russian government. Accordingly, any industry is at risk from unkillable malware due to the lack of stability this can bring to an economy. At present, the only real advice for infections with LoJax is to wipe/replace the hard drive and carry out a complete reflash of the motherboard hardware. Even then there remains a risk that LoJax will remain on the PC and the simplest solution is to replace the entire system and start from scratch.

LoJax infections remain relatively rare, but the more pressing concern is that unkillable malware is being developed and released into the wild. This points to a future where increased security is more important than ever, so ensuring your organization adheres to best security practices is vital.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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One set of malware is bad enough for most organizations to deal with, but what should they do when they’re hit with two sets at once?

Hackers are constantly trying to breach the defenses of PC users, but it’s not easy for them to succeed. Defenses are constantly improving and PC users are becoming more technically minded when it comes to hacking. Attacks, therefore, need to be cleverer and more aggressive for hackers to succeed. And one of the newest threats to PC defenses is a combined attack which teams up multiple forms of malware to pack a devastating punch.

In particular, reports are coming in that hackers are combining the data miner Vidar alongside the GandCrab ransomware to maximize their chances of success. And it’s proving to bear fruit for the hackers, so it’s crucial that you understand the risk.

The Double Whammy of Vidar and GandCrab

The combined attack of Vidar and GandCrab was identified by Malwarebytes Labs who observed that the hack first installs Vidar and then proceeds to strengthen the attack with GandCrab. Using malicious advertising software, the hackers expose users to an exploit kit (usually Fallout) which targets vulnerabilities in specific apps. Once this exploit kit has been executed, Vidar is installed on the infected PC and proceeds to mine user data such as communications, digital wallet info and login details.

This attack is bad enough, but the victim things are about to get worse as Vidar is capable of downloading additional malware. Using a command and control center to receive and transmit data, Vidar will, after a minute of its own installation, download and execute the GandCrab ransomware. It’s true that Ransomware has, to a degree, fallen out of favor with hackers over the last year, but it still has the potential to cause severe disruption for organizations. Encrypting files and then demanding a ransom will stifle the productivity of any organization effected, even if backup copies are available.

Protecting Your Organization from Vidar and GandCrab

It’s clear to see that the two headed attack of Vidar and GandCrab is particularly nasty and one to watch out for. In order to understand how to protect your organization from this threat, you need to understand how this attack is able to take place. As ever, that age old favorite of unpatched software is squarely to blame and, on this occasion, it’s Adobe’s Flash Player and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.

Anti-malware software is now capable of detecting Vidar when it’s found within your PC, but the easiest option for any organization is to avoid allowing it access in the first place. One of the keenest security practices to adhere to is the installation of software patches as soon as they become available. Sadly, this task is often superseded by more immediate, pressing matters and this grants hackers more time to detect and exploit these vulnerabilities. However, with what is usually just a few clicks of a mouse, protection from potential security threats can be implemented by immediately installing patches.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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