Anti-malware tools provide a firm level of defense against hackers, but what happens when the malware can bypass detection tools?

Around 300,000 new pieces of malware are created daily, so it’s important that we can protect ourselves against this constant threat. Anti-malware tools such as Kaspersky and even in-built Windows security systems are crucial for providing this protection. Accordingly, you should find that your systems remain protected for most of the time. However, hackers are industrious individuals and are constantly looking to evolve their techniques. As a result of this ongoing adaptation, it appears that hackers have found a way around current detection methods.

The threat comes in the form of the OpenSUpdater and is one that you need to take seriously.

What is OpenSUpdater?

Digital signatures are used online to demonstrate that code is legitimate and accepted by Windows security checks. They are an important part of online security, but this has made them a viable target for hackers. In the case of OpenSUpdater, their online code samples are carrying manipulated security certificates which, despite these manipulations, are passed as authentic by Windows. More importantly, security tools which use OpenSSL decoding are unable to detect these malicious changes.

OpenSUpdater is free to bypass security measures and avoid being labelled as malware which is quarantined and deleted. The malware’s main method of attack is through riskware campaigns. This involves injecting malicious ads into the browsers of those infected and downloading further malware. The majority of targets so far have been found in the US and the malware typically bundled in with illegal downloads such as cracked software.

How Can You Protect Against OpenSUpdater?

This latest malware threat was detected by Google’s security researchers and has since been reported to Microsoft. A specific fix has not been announced yet, but hopefully something will be implemented shortly. In the meantime, however, it’s vital that you take steps to protect yourself. In particular, make sure you focus on the following:

  • Educate on Phishing Techniques: Phishing is a dangerous hacking technique which uses email to push social engineering attacks. By instilling a threat of urgency to act upon an email’s call to action – such as ‘click here to download a vital security tool’ – hackers are able to deceive victims into downloading all kinds of malware. Thankfully, through continued training, your employees should be able to recognize phishing emails quickly and hit the delete button even quicker.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Many of us will have started preparing our tax returns and hackers are well aware of this. Therefore, it pays to be aware of the numerous online tax scams.

Nobody likes completing tax returns due to the vast amount of data involved. However, they’re essential for organizations to remain operating. And that’s why we spend hours and hours collecting receipts and details for transactions; this is where all the data builds up. Hackers, of course, like nothing more than getting their hands on huge amounts of data. This data can be used for both financial gain and damaging an organization. Accordingly, tax season is their hunting season.

Tax Scams to Look Out For

Countless tax scams are currently circulating in the digital wild, but these are the most common ones you will encounter:

  • Automatic Tax Payment Deduction: A number of emails have been discovered which claim to originate from the Income Tax Department. These emails falsely claim, in order to generate anxiety, that a tax payment has automatically been deducted from their bank account. An attachment is included which masquerades as a receipt for this transaction. Hackers hope that the recipient’s anxiety and confusion will cause them to open this receipt. Unfortunately, contained within this ‘receipt’ is a slice of malware named W32.Golroted. 
  • Fake Government Websites: A popular method for scamming victims out of money is by designing Government websites which look authentic, but are fake. Using information which has usually been stolen through malicious files or social engineering, these fake websites inform victims that they have received a tax fine. The only way to pay this fine is by wiring payment or purchasing general purchase reloadable cards. However, there is no fine to pay and all the victim will be doing is bankrolling the hackers. 
  • IRS Tax Return is Locked: The last few years have seen the emergence of a phishing email which claims that access to the recipient’s tax return has been restricted. The email is designed to look as though it has been sent by the IRS or, sometimes, the manufactures of the popular TurboTax software. The truth is that the email is fake and has been sent by hackers. The email will urge recipients to click on a link which will take them to a malicious website where their personal information will be stolen.

Staying Safe During the Tax Season

Despite the number of online tax scams it’s easy to stay safe during the tax season. All you have to do is follow these best practices:

  • Remember that the IRS will never contact you by email to discuss the nature of your tax return or your personal details.
  • Verify the true identity of any suspicious links by hovering your mouse cursor over the link. A popup will then display where the link will send you.
  • Never send personal documents to unsolicited email requests as it is likely that a hacker is trying to harvest your details
  • Emails that claim to be from official organizations, but do not use your name are to be treated as highly suspicious and should be deleted.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Hackers thrive upon deception and the result of this endeavor is social engineering. It’s a powerful tactic and one you need to protect yourself from.

Social engineering has been used to deploy attacks such as the Coronavirus malware and the recent attack on high profile Twitter accounts. The method is intriguing due to its sophistication and its human element. Rather than relying on complex coding techniques to outwit computer systems, social engineering takes advantage of human naivety. More importantly, however, is the sheer destruction that it can cause.

The world is a perilous place at the best times, but now more than ever we need to make sure we protect ourselves and our businesses. One of the best ways to get started is by reinforcing the barricades against social engineering.

What is Social Engineering?

Manipulation is, in a word, exactly what social engineering is. But you’re going to need a little more information than that, so let’s take a closer look.
Social engineering is a process in which one party seeks to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information. When it comes to the world of IT this sensitive data tends to relate to login credentials, but can also involve transferring sensitive documents such as employee records. These attacks are commonly executed through the use of phishing emails, but this is not the only technique. It’s possible for hackers to carry out social engineering attacks over the telephone and even face to face.

The Best Ways to Protect Yourself

Protecting yourself against social engineering takes a concerted effort. You can’t rely on software alone to protect you. Luckily, you can strengthen your personal defenses by practicing the following:

Take Your Time: Social engineering relies on a lack of caution on the victim’s part. Therefore, it’s crucial that you always take your time when it comes to any form of communication. A social engineer will do their best to force you into making a quick decision e.g. clicking a link or disclosing your password. To counter this, evaluate all requests and press for answers if you feel even slightly suspicious.

Use Email Filters: There have been great advances made in email filters over the course of the last 20 years. Where these junk filters once had relatively little use they are now highly intelligent. Enabling your email filters will enhance your security and prevent the majority of phishing emails making their way into your inbox. This reduces your risk and stops you from engaging with a social engineer.

Too Good to Be True: As with all areas of life, if something sounds too good to be true then it makes sense to be suspicious. After all, it’s unlikely that a representative for an African prince wants to deposit millions of dollars into your bank account. And, if they did, why would they require your social security number? And your workplace login credentials? As a rule of thumb, if it sounds like a scam then it probably is and should be deleted.

Is the Source Genuine: If an email says that it’s from your bank then this doesn’t mean it’s from your bank. Likewise, a phone call from your HR team isn’t necessarily genuine. Hackers specialize in trickery and deception, so they won’t shy away from such blatant and direct approaches. Always check every request for details such genuine URL details (by hovering over a link) and only transmitting sensitive data to internal email addresses.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The coronavirus is the latest health scare to be spreading across the globe. Hackers, as clever as ever, are using this fear to spread malware.

Hackers are innovative criminals and are constantly on the lookout for exploits. Sometimes these are software vulnerabilities that leave back door opens. But these exploits can also take the form of social engineering. And this is how hackers are taking advantage of the panic caused by the coronavirus.

It’s always important to safeguard your defenses with the best security software, but this isn’t enough. Threats such as social engineering require a concerted effort to be made by individuals. So that’s why we’re going to take a look at the threat posed by the coronavirus malware.

What is the Coronavirus Malware?

The entire planet is preparing and educating themselves for the fight against the coronavirus. Naturally, this means that millions of people are heading online to learn more about the disease. Now, although the internet poses no threat to your physical health, the same cannot be said for your digital security. And this is because cyber criminals are disguising malware as educational documents on the coronavirus.

These documents, which have been detected as docx, pdf and mp4 variants, promise to be helpful. But, rather than containing useful information on the coronavirus, these documents actually contain a wide range of malware threats. So far, Kaspersky, have identified 10 file variants that include various Trojans and worms. However, given the on-going threat of the coronavirus, it’s likely that the number of malware threats will increase.

The most common method to spread this malware is through phishing emails. And, as with all social engineering, the bait is very convincing. The emails claim to be distributed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but this is a false claim. If you look a little closer you will discover that the domain these are sent from is incorrect. The official domain for the CDC is but these malicious emails actually originate from These emails contain a link which, rather than taking you to an advice page, takes you to a fake web page that aims to steal your credentials.

How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus Malware

Hackers are using a variety of methods to exploit the coronavirus to cause digital chaos. Infected documents threaten the security of your PC systems and phishing emails have the potential to steal personal information. Therefore, you need to protect yourself by following these best practices:

  • Only Open Trusted Files: The only files that you should ever open on a PC are ones that come from a trusted source. If there’s even the smallest doubt over the legitimacy of a file you shouldn’t download it. Always check with an IT professional before going any further. 
  • Always Hover Over Links: Emails, and websites, can easily display a web link which disguises its true destination. A link that, for example, claims it will send you to an official government website can easily send you somewhere else. However, if you hover your mouse cursor over a link, this will prompt a popup which displays exactly where it will take you. 
  • Install Security Software: A sure fire way to avoid the wrath of malicious websites is by working with security software. These applications are regularly updated with details of malicious websites and will put an instant block on visiting them.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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A hacked network is a disaster for any organization, so keeping things secure is vital. However, sometimes things go wrong and you need to know what to do.

Your IT operations are supported by your IT network, so, if it gets hacked, there’s every chance that all those PCs you have lined up in your offices will be unable to operate. Naturally, this means that productivity will drop off almost immediately and affect not just you, but also your customers. With good IT practices in place, you significantly reduce the risk of this happening. Mistakes, be they caused by hardware or human error, are inevitable, though, and it’s rare that a business can claim to have defenses which are 100% secure.

Therefore, it’s important that you know what to do when your network is hacked. Rather than have you learn the hard way, through experience, we’re going to save you some of the pain with a quick guide on how to cope.

Steps to Take When You’re Hacked

Most importantly, you need to take the following steps when you discover your network has been hacked:

  • Put Everything On Lock Down: The stealthy nature of hackers means that it’s difficult and time consuming to determine exactly how much of your network the hackers have breached. So, in order to preserve as much as your network as possible, you have to assume the worst: they’ve gained access to everything. And that’s why you need to lock down and change passwords on everything be it folders on a shared drive or your social media accounts. This is the only way to minimize damage. 
  • Learn from the Experience: As we’ve stated, it’s likely that your network will, at some point, experience a security disaster. However, while in the short term this may feel like nothing but non-stop chaos, there’s an important set of learning to be absorbed for the long term. Mistakes are what allow us to evolve and make better decisions in the future, so make sure you take the opportunity to analyze exactly what went wrong and the steps you can take to prevent it happening again. 

Final Thoughts

A hacked network represents every IT professional’s worst nightmare, but it’s important that you understand the best steps to take in this situation. Not only does it prevent network hacks from escalating into more devastating hacks, but there’s also the chance to learn and strengthen for the next time hacker aims an attack at your network.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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