A new zero-day exploit has been discovered which could easily disrupt the services of several major online platforms such as Twitter, Minecraft and Steam.

The vulnerability, which has been named Log4Shell, was recently discovered by LunaSec’s security researchers. It was first located within the Minecraft platform, which is operated by Microsoft, and has since been found in many other online services. The exploit was found in an open source logging utility known as Apache Log4j, an essential tool which is necessary in most Java-based apps and servers. It’s estimated that thousands of companies are likely to be at risk due to this vulnerability.

Vulnerabilities remain a major threat for every organization that employs an IT infrastructure, so we’re going to take a closer look at Log4Shell to see what lessons can be learned.

How Does the Log4Shell Vulnerability Work?

Log4Shell is known as a zero-day exploit and this means that it’s a natural vulnerability, likely due to an oversight on the original coders, which has been discovered but not yet patched. Hackers are determined individuals and are constantly focusing their efforts on analyzing software for vulnerabilities. Once a vulnerability is discovered, hackers can take advantage of it and, for example, gain unauthorized access to web servers. And, if like Apache Log4j, it’s a widely used utility, the hackers can replicate this attack against numerous organizations.

Web monitoring services have detected that around 100 hosts are actively scanning the internet to identify services which are running Apache Log4j. This scanning process is automated, so it can be left running continuously. Once platforms running Apache Log4j are identified, hackers have a relatively easy victim in their sights. All it would take is for the exploit to be taken advantage of and, very quickly, the hackers would be able to move deeper into the IT infrastructures of some major online businesses.

Protecting Yourself Against Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell are, unfortunately, inevitable due to the complexity of building software. Open source software, in particular, is difficult to police once it has been released and, of course, human error means nothing will ever be 100% secure. No specific damage has, as of this time of writing, been associated with the Log4Shell exploit, but the number of individuals at risk is very concerning. Thankfully, Apache have quickly developed a security patch for Log4j which will counter the vulnerability once it is installed.

The key takeaway from the Log4Shell vulnerability is that security patches are crucial. These need to be installed as soon as possible to mitigate any potential security breaches. However, there are other steps you can take minimize your risk:

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Cyber-security providers should be able to guarantee you one thing: security. However, it appears that Kaspersky isn’t as secure as you would imagine.

It’s fair to say that, with revenue hitting $726 million in 2018, Kaspersky is a major player in the cyber-security world. And it’s this success that has cultivated the high levels of trust placed in their products. Many would say that going without Kaspersky products in the 21st century is a foolhardy move. And they certainly are effective at preventing security breaches when it comes to PCs. But stories are now emerging that your data isn’t necessarily safe when it’s in their hands.

We live in an age where it’s important to stay safe online and, accordingly, many people reading this will be using Kaspersky products. It’s crucial to be aware of any potential data risks, so we’re going to examine this story a little closer.

What’s happening with Kaspersky?

Malicious websites can be a nightmare when it comes to protecting your data. Kaspersky understands this threat and has designed software which can identify whether a website is malicious or not. It achieves this by injecting your internet browser with a Javascript code that evaluates the safety of every website you visit. If the evaluation flags a website as unsafe then Kaspersky will prevent you from visiting it. This is all well and good, but the Javascript code employed has a major flaw.

The code injected into your browser is unique. And it can be read by any website. This means that your online activity can be tracked. For example, if your unique code shows up on ophtek.com and avg.com then online marketers would be able to identify a specific interest of yours: internet security. It’s known as cross site tracking and is a method used to tailor online advertisements that are likely to appeal to those viewing them. While this is nothing new, especially when you consider how cookies are used online, it’s unheard of to hear of a cyber-security provider facilitating this.

Avoiding the Security Risks of Kaspersky

Kaspersky has been keen to reduce the concerns of worried consumers and has advised that any data breaches are highly unlikely. Naturally, this is very easy for a multi-million pound corporation to say and has all the hallmarks of a damage limitation exercises.

What has been more useful is the patch released which removes the unique ID associated with the Javascript code. The cross-site tracking issue should, therefore, be remedied with this patch. However, this updated version will still identify users as using Kaspersky – a valuable piece of information that can easily provide a hacker with an insight into your defenses. The only way to truly protect yourself while working with Kaspersky is to go into the settings and untick the ‘Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages’

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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