The Internet of Things (IoT) has many security concerns, but perhaps one of the most pressing worries is that IoT devices can be easily hacked for just a few dollars.

A group of elite hackers have recently demonstrated the ease with which a hardware hack can be unleashed to take control of IoT devices. All they require to carry out the hack is an SD card reader, the ability to solder and a length of wire – all in all, this should come to around $10. And once they’ve taken control of the device they can not only exploit any data on there, but also use it as a stepping stone to get further into the network it’s on.

With the number of IoT devices expected to hit the 20 billion mark by 2020, the risk of attacks on these devices is only going to get greater and greater. And, for a business, where nearly every employee will have access to an IoT device, perhaps it’s time to get acquainted with this low cost and easy to deploy attack.

Hacking on a Budget

The hack in question is a flash memory attack and, as such, targets IoT devices which have a flash memory – in particular a form of memory known as eMMC flash. It’s likely that you’ve never heard of eMMC flash, but it’s built into a wide range of devices such as smart TVs, cell phones, tablets and even refrigerators. Just think about how many of those devices are in your organization and connected to your network – that’s right, it’s pretty scary. What, though, is this $10 hack?

Well, the hackers – who go under the group name of – have revealed that they can gain read/write access to devices by taking a flash memory card and soldering wires to five specific places:

  1. Data line
  2. Clock line
  3. Command line
  4. Power line
  5. Ground

This access allows the hackers to start stealing data and to issue commands to the device before taking complete control of it. Once the flash memory card in question is put into an SD card reader, it can then be connected to a PC to glean complete copies of that device’s data inventory. And it’s at this point that the hackers are able to identify zero-day vulnerabilities in the device, vulnerabilities which can be applied to that specific device and any other unit of the same product.

With this information to hand, the hackers are then empowered to launch remote attacks against said device and, potentially, use these infiltrated devices to gain access to the networks they’re connected to. And all of this is possible because hardware manufacturers fail to secure flash memory on their devices, they’re only concerned with creating a front line defense with nothing behind it.

Managing IoT Security Concerns

Hardware manufacturers are slightly off the pace as demonstrated by this budget hack, so for the consumer it’s particularly troubling. As ever, the best advice is to install patches and firmware upgrades as soon as possible. However, when a hardware vulnerability is found it means that it has the potential to leave huge numbers of the same devices – if not all of them – at the risk of being hacked. Therefore, identifying the form of flash memory present in devices may become a major buying point for consumers.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is amazing, but it’s not perfect and, in particular, there are plenty of security vulnerabilities that you need to know about.

You can barely move without bumping into an IoT device now and, whilst this allows you to be more productive, it also means that the security risk to your organization’s network is increasing. We’ve all heard about how coffee machines can get hacked and it’s these types of stories that demonstrate the extent of IoT security concerns.

Whilst you may rely on a humble kettle rather than a fancy Wi-Fi controlled coffee machine, there are still plenty of IoT security vulnerabilities you need to be aware of. Let’s take a look at of the most important ones you should be aware of.

  1. Network Services Present a Back Door

IoT devices often come with diagnostic and debugging services built in to help facilitate troubleshooting tasks, but these are often operating on ports which are not secure. Now, maintenance services are probably one of the least likely to be secured pieces of code to be found on an IoT device, so this scenario is highly attractive to hackers. Therefore, you need to make sure that you investigate all potential security concerns on new IoT devices you install.

  1. Lack of Transport Encryption

When data is transported across the internet or your local network, it needs to be encrypted to thwart any external parties who are listening to your data traffic. However, many IoT devices fail to employ transport encryption in their data transmissions when sending data – this is estimated to be around 41% of all IoT devices. And this is why you need to make sure that your organization only works with highly secure IoT devices to protect data security.

  1. Weak Password Protection

The lack of strong password protection is a major security vulnerability when it comes to IoT devices. A good password should incorporate more than 8 characters and these should include numbers, symbols and mixed case letters – more often than not, though, these can often be nothing more than four digits such as an iPhone’s default password protection. And, as we all know, the weaker a password, the quicker and easier it can be hacked by brute force.

  1. Different Computer Languages Prevent Security

PCs all speak a common language, so getting a network full of PCs to operate on the same network in the same manner is not too big a problem. However, a smart photocopier running on a code all of its own is going to struggle to communicate effectively with the rest of your network. And this means that guaranteeing a secure connection between network devices is more difficult than ever. You also need to consider the fact that many IoT devices fail to receive regular updates, so this has the potential to be a long term security risk.

We’re all still learning about the security vulnerabilities that the IoT is bringing to the security table, so a firm knowledge of the potential pitfalls is vital. By taking note of the above you should be able to improve your security just enough to prevent being hacked.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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If you want to keep the IoT (Internet of Things) secure in 2018 then you’re going to have your work cut out due to the number of threats on the horizon.

Significant progress has been made in the last couple of years when it comes to understanding the security concerns presented by IoT devices, but this is only encouraging hackers to become more innovative. And 2018 is going to deliver more IoT security threats than ever before, so you’re going to need to be ready for this surge in activity and the new hacking methods employed.

Let’s take a look at the most pressing IoT security concerns coming in 2018.

  1. IoT Attacks Being Undetectable

Many IoT attacks take place on a micro scale compared to large scale attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service Attacks. The problem with micro attacks is that conventional security systems are unlikely to recognize them as a threat, whereas major attacks are likely to ring alarm bells very quickly. Therefore, investing in highly sensitive security systems and manual monitoring may become vital to any organization using IoT devices.

  1. Automation Will Become More Important

Some organizations can have thousands of IoT devices operating on their network at any one time, so manually monitoring this activity is virtually impossible. And that’s why automation and artificial intelligence could prove highly popular in 2018 when it comes to providing a front line defence against IoT attacks e.g. installing crucial firmware upgrades immediately.

  1. The Irresistible Allure of Cryptocurrency

You only have to take a quick look at the financial headlines to understand just how valuable cryptocurrencies are at the moment. And, to a hacker, the financial rewards on offer are hard to resist. The Satori botnet, for example, takes control of IoT devices and also allows the hackers to exploit Bitcoin mining software. So, if your organization is involved with cryptocurrencies in any capacity, it’s going to pay to monitor your activity very closely.

  1. More and More Devices Will Be Targeted

Automobiles, security cameras and baby monitors are just a small selection of the IoT devices which have been hacked in the last couple of years, but this is set to increase further in 2018. In particular, devices which come with weak passwords (or even no password) are constantly being scouted by hackers. And, when they discover one, this can easily be leaked online, so the need to enforce a strong password culture remains essential.

  1. Privacy Concerns

Trusting IoT devices to transmit and receive personal and sensitive data is going to come under serious scrutiny in 2018. Due to the recent IoT attacks which have exploited weak passwords and poor security protocols in IoT devices, the public concern is growing over how their data is handled. Naturally, hackers are excited by the prospect of being given a free run at such a huge number of vulnerable devices without adequate security frameworks in place. 2018, therefore, is going to find organizations having to soothe customer concerns by only working with secure hardware and software.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.


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Hackers aren’t the only threat to the security of your organization’s Internet of Things (IoT), your employees can be just as culpable for security risks.

Let’s face it, the IoT is a relatively new phenomenon and, even though most of your employees will have smart devices at home, the majority of your workforce won’t be aware of the many security dangers. It’s this lack of knowledge which can lead to major security flaws which leave your network open to hackers and their accompanying chaos.

However, humans have a huge capacity for learning and if you can ingrain the basics of IoT security in the business culture, you’ll find that your employees are soon on top of things. And this knowledge can provide an extra layer of defense, so let’s take a look at how you can provide this.

Ban All Guest Access

Many organizations provide guest access to, at the very least, their Wi-Fi network so that visitors can check emails, liaise with their own staff and, more likely, check Facebook! However, whilst this is a generous gesture, it opens your network up to a whole host of security risks. If there’s a freely available guest network then it’s likely that everyone in your organization will know the password and it can be passed on to any visitors.

Now, you’re never going to know every single visitor to your company and, crucially, you’re never going to know how secure these visitors’ devices are. Therefore, it’s a highly dangerous move to allow your employees to grant free access to any section of your network. The simplest way to combat this and prevent bad security practices is to ban all guest access to your organization’s Wi-Fi. It may seem drastic, but it will really hammer home the security risk to your employees.

Improve the Password Culture

Passwords are one of the oldest forms of computer security, but they’re also one of the most effective. IoT devices, though, have a reputation for coming pre-loaded with highly weak default passwords, so the effort required to hack them is relatively low. Changing not only default passwords, but also regularly changing existing passwords remains a highly important task to secure your smart devices.

Your employees are likely to be highly busy, though, so changing their password will tend to fall down their list of things to do. This is where you, as an employer, need to ensure that regular reminders are sent out to your employees to indicate when passwords require changing. Ideally this should be between 6 – 12 weeks of the last password change and the best way to enforce this is by restricting access to applications if the password is not changed.

Whilst employees will initially grumble about having to change their password and remember a new one, these complaints will soon subside and employees will become compliant with the process.

Regular Training

As mentioned in my opening, the IoT is a new phenomenon and the collective knowledge of your employees will be limited. And that’s why you need to make sure that your staff are given regular training sessions on the importance of IoT security.

Ideally, the IT induction that all new starters take should include a section on IoT security; after all, almost of all your employees will bring a personal smartphone into work and, of course, certain employees will be issued with company laptops and smartphones, so the need for good security practices from the off are vital.

It may seem time consuming to complete inductions and regular refreshing training, but the enhanced knowledge among your workforce will ensure that your networks remain safe from the most simple (yet damaging) IoT security mistakes.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) can help run almost any device in use in your organization, but this also means you could be hacked by a fish tank.

This may sound highly unlikely, but this is exactly what happened to a North American casino and underlines just how vulnerable IoT devices are. It also demonstrates how every single IoT device, no matter how insignificant and harmless it may appear, is at risk. Hackers, after all, do not discriminate – if there’s a way to gain access to a network then they’ll exploit it.

As this is one of the more unusual attacks to have affected an IoT device, I’m going to take a closer look at it before advising you on a few tips to avoid getting hacked by a fish tank.

Hacking the Tank

The fish tank – which was situated in the unnamed hotel – had been installed with state of the art sensors which monitored and regulated factors such as water temperature, saline levels and release of food. Making devices such as these sensors compatible with IoT technology allows the tank to be controlled remotely, but this accessibility also opens up such IoT devices to the interests of hackers. Although the hotel had security measures in place, they were evidently not secure enough.

Many IoT devices lack advanced, internal security technology so any external security measures need to be as advanced as possible to pick up the slack. In this particular case, the fish tank’s sensors were hacked which allowed the hackers to transmit 10GB worth of data to a remote server based in Finland. The casino’s existing security tools were able to identify that data was leaking externally, but were unable to identify where from and where it was being transmitted to.

Thankfully, security experts Darktrace were able to pinpoint where the vulnerability was and were able to advise the casino to disconnect the fish tank sensors immediately. 10GB worth of data may not sound like a huge amount of data in this day and age, but when you consider the amount of personal and financial details a casino may hold, 10GB could cause a lot of concern for any patrons of the casino.

Securing IoT Devices

Being hacked through a fish tank is a highly embarrassing security flaw for any organization, so understanding how to secure IoT devices is paramount. Make sure you’re implementing the following security measures with IoT devices:

  • Change Default Passwords – Many IoT devices come preloaded with a default password and, by leaving this in place, you’re reducing the number of guesses and effort that a hacker needs to put into brute-force hacking the password. It’s estimated that around 15% of IoT device owners do not change this default password, so make sure you change this as soon as the device is installed.
  • Install Firmware – As I’ve previously mentioned, the security technology loaded onto IoT devices is sometimes sadly lacking. However, even worse than poor security software is outdated security software. And that’s why it’s crucial that any firmware updates are installed immediately to patch any potential vulnerabilities.
  • Separate Networks – The number of IoT devices operating in any one organization can easily run into the hundreds. Essentially, this means that there are hundreds of routes into your network and this could cause real chaos if just one device is breached. Therefore, penning off IoT devices into separate networks is a preventative step which can limit the reach of any hackers.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.


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