USB flash drives remain a crucial piece of kit when it comes to PC storage, so it’s important that you know what to look for when choosing a new one.

With more and more data involved in our day to day business, storage of this data is a highly important factor for organizations to consider. And, whilst cloud storage is an innovative and useful solution, you can’t rule out the importance of USB flash drives. Small and compact, a USB flash drive can look deceptively simple, but it’s more than capable or backing up operating systems and storing large amounts of data.

However, there are so many different flash drives available that it can be a bit disorientating to know which one is right for your needs. So, let’s take a look at four tips for choosing the best USB flash drive.

  1. What Size Do You Need?

USB flash drives come in a variety of sizes from 1GB up to a gigantic 2TB (that’s 2000GB), so there’s clearly an option for everyone’s needs. However, the costs also increase the more storage you need, so it’s important you don’t overspend on wasted storage. A Windows 10 backup, for example, requires around 8 – 10GB but if you need to store a large number of video files, this could require 100GB+ storage quite easily. Therefore, evaluate your data and determine how much space you need.

  1. USB 2.0 or USB 3.0?

For close to a decade, USB 2.0 technology was the most up to date option for all of our USB needs. However, USB 3.0 technology has now been available for several years – alongside USB 2.0 – and offers much quicker transfer rates; USB 2.0 can transfer 60 megabytes per second, but USB 3.0 transfers at 640 megabytes per second. However, not every piece of hardware in your organization may be set up to take advantage of USB 3.0 hardware. Whilst USB 3.0 hardware will run in USB 2.0 ports, the speed will not be the same. And that means you’re paying extra for nothing.

  1. USB Flash Drives Can and Will Fail

Like all hardware, USB flash drives have a limited lifespan; it’s estimated, though, that a standard USB flash drive can be written to between 2,000 to 100,000 times before failing and this should provide you with several years’ usage. However, there are a number of factors that can cause flash drives to fail such as electrical component failure and eject/mount failures where the device is removed whilst still in communication with the PC. As a result, it’s important you purchase flash drives which are made by reputable manufacturers with the best components.

  1. How Secure is Your Flash Drive?

Data stored on a USB flash drive can be highly sensitive, so security is another factor which needs to be strongly considered. To access a flash drive, all someone has to do is plug it into a USB port and they’ll have immediate access to any files on there. While it’s possible to password protect each individual file, a better option is to protect the entire device and USB flash drives are now available where a pin number must be entered on the actual device to gain access to it. And, if you value the security of your data, this is a must have when choosing a new USB flash drive.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a term used to describe the increasingly popular practice of employees bringing their own smart devices to work.

Mostly reserved for employees’ personal phones and PCs, BYOD is becoming the norm in many organizations and it’s estimated that 74% of workplaces are allowing employees to bring their devices in for business use. It’s a practice which has been gradually growing since the start of the decade and is expected to become even more popular in the next couple of years.

An IT policy which incorporates a BYOD culture can provide some serious benefits to your organization, so let’s take at what’s on offer.

Understanding the Benefits

Allowing your staff to use their own devices for work related purposes allows your organization to become more efficient and, at the same time, provide a working environment which is both open and relaxed. The main benefits of BYOD in the workplace that you can expect to see are:

  • Familiarity Breeds Productivity: Everyone is at their most productive when they’re comfortable and, if an employee is using their own device, BYOD can make a massive difference in productivity. Knowing a device inside out means that users will be able to reduce downtime by solving operational errors quickly and the device will be set up exactly how that user needs it.
  • Cost Saving: If your employees are bringing in their own devices to complete business duties, then you’re going to experience a massive reduction in costs. Not only will the need to purchase new hardware be negated, but the cost of upgrades will be the sole responsibility of the employee.
  • Flexibility: Remote working is becoming more and more popular – half the UK workforce are expected to be working remotely by 2020 – and this is partly due to the BYOD landscape. You see, by allowing employees to use their own devices, they’re provided with an opportunity to work from wherever they want. While this provides flexibility for the employee, it also provides the employer with an opportunity to save costs on workspaces etc.
  • Up to Date Technology – Personal devices are upgraded much more frequently than enterprise devices, so incorporating a BYOD ethos can ensure that your organization has state of the art technology at its disposal for no cost. This allows your organization to boost productivity and remain competitive, but not affect the yearly budget in any way.
  • More Focus for IT Departments – If employees are using their own devices then the maintenance and upkeep of them is down to the employees. Naturally, this will significantly reduce your IT department’s workload and allow them to concentrate on more pressing issues such as network maintenance and security breaches.

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits on offer by allowing the BYOD culture into your workplace. Almost every benefit is likely to bring an increase in productivity, so which organization can honestly say that it wouldn’t welcome this? The time to implement BYOD is upon us, so make sure you get there before your competitors.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) has a new security threat and this time it uses peer-to-peer communication to spread, infect and compromise devices.

In January 2018, security researchers working for Bit-defender discovered a new botnet which, although not related, has similarities to the Reaper botnet. Originally infecting just 12 IoT devices, the Hide ‘N Seek botnet had soon amassed over 32,000 IoT devices by the end of the month. With the ability to steal data, take control of the device and run malicious code, Hide ‘N Seek represents a serious threat.

Understanding new and emerging threats to IoT devices is crucial if you want to protect your organization’s network, so it’s time to investigate Hide ‘N Seek a little closer.

Hide ‘N Seek is No Game

A brand of IP camera manufactured in South Korea appears to be the initial infection source for Hide ‘N Seek, but the botnet is actively attacking other IoT devices. Using randomly generated IP addresses, Hide ‘N Seek attempts to connect to any devices listed against these addresses. If the botnet succeeds in connecting then it either uses default login/password combinations to gain access or performs a brute force attack using a dictionary list to crack the login credentials.

With access obtained, Hide ‘N Seek analyses the device to discover any potential vulnerabilities such as the ability to download malware or launch DDoS attacks. The remote botnet hacker also has the option of executing any command they wish on the infected device; this option provides them with the chance to steal any files they wish. The capabilities of Hide ‘N Seek are clearly advanced and innovative, but what’s even cleverer is that it appears to be constantly redesigning itself to minimize detection.

Communication between the infected devices is made possible by the peer-to-peer network at the heart of Hide ‘N Seek. Using peer-to-peer software for hacking is nothing new, but previous methods have always involved modifying existing torrent software. Hide ‘N Seek is taking hacking to a new level by using completely custom built peer-to-peer software which has no central command unit; therefore, closing this network down is virtually impossible.

Combating Hide ‘N Seek

The advanced design of Hide ‘N Seek is proof that it’s the work of highly skilled hackers, but, once again, the vulnerability being exploited is the use of default passwords. Let’s face it, giving a hacker a key to a locked door is the worst form of security you can imagine, but this is exactly what default passwords are. And this is why password security remains the number one priority for any devices within your network, whether they’re connected to the IoT or otherwise.

By changing these default passwords while devices are on isolated networks, your organization can seriously increase the strength of their defenses. Otherwise, you’re leaving your networks at the mercy of malicious botnets such as Hide ‘N Seek. And, believe me, just as Reaper wasn’t the last IoT botnet, neither will Hide ‘N Seek be the final word in hacking in this new IoT landscape.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) has many security concerns, but perhaps one of the most pressing worries is that IoT devices can be easily hacked for just a few dollars.

A group of elite hackers have recently demonstrated the ease with which a hardware hack can be unleashed to take control of IoT devices. All they require to carry out the hack is an SD card reader, the ability to solder and a length of wire – all in all, this should come to around $10. And once they’ve taken control of the device they can not only exploit any data on there, but also use it as a stepping stone to get further into the network it’s on.

With the number of IoT devices expected to hit the 20 billion mark by 2020, the risk of attacks on these devices is only going to get greater and greater. And, for a business, where nearly every employee will have access to an IoT device, perhaps it’s time to get acquainted with this low cost and easy to deploy attack.

Hacking on a Budget

The hack in question is a flash memory attack and, as such, targets IoT devices which have a flash memory – in particular a form of memory known as eMMC flash. It’s likely that you’ve never heard of eMMC flash, but it’s built into a wide range of devices such as smart TVs, cell phones, tablets and even refrigerators. Just think about how many of those devices are in your organization and connected to your network – that’s right, it’s pretty scary. What, though, is this $10 hack?

Well, the hackers – who go under the group name of – have revealed that they can gain read/write access to devices by taking a flash memory card and soldering wires to five specific places:

  1. Data line
  2. Clock line
  3. Command line
  4. Power line
  5. Ground

This access allows the hackers to start stealing data and to issue commands to the device before taking complete control of it. Once the flash memory card in question is put into an SD card reader, it can then be connected to a PC to glean complete copies of that device’s data inventory. And it’s at this point that the hackers are able to identify zero-day vulnerabilities in the device, vulnerabilities which can be applied to that specific device and any other unit of the same product.

With this information to hand, the hackers are then empowered to launch remote attacks against said device and, potentially, use these infiltrated devices to gain access to the networks they’re connected to. And all of this is possible because hardware manufacturers fail to secure flash memory on their devices, they’re only concerned with creating a front line defense with nothing behind it.

Managing IoT Security Concerns

Hardware manufacturers are slightly off the pace as demonstrated by this budget hack, so for the consumer it’s particularly troubling. As ever, the best advice is to install patches and firmware upgrades as soon as possible. However, when a hardware vulnerability is found it means that it has the potential to leave huge numbers of the same devices – if not all of them – at the risk of being hacked. Therefore, identifying the form of flash memory present in devices may become a major buying point for consumers.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is amazing, but it’s not perfect and, in particular, there are plenty of security vulnerabilities that you need to know about.

You can barely move without bumping into an IoT device now and, whilst this allows you to be more productive, it also means that the security risk to your organization’s network is increasing. We’ve all heard about how coffee machines can get hacked and it’s these types of stories that demonstrate the extent of IoT security concerns.

Whilst you may rely on a humble kettle rather than a fancy Wi-Fi controlled coffee machine, there are still plenty of IoT security vulnerabilities you need to be aware of. Let’s take a look at of the most important ones you should be aware of.

  1. Network Services Present a Back Door

IoT devices often come with diagnostic and debugging services built in to help facilitate troubleshooting tasks, but these are often operating on ports which are not secure. Now, maintenance services are probably one of the least likely to be secured pieces of code to be found on an IoT device, so this scenario is highly attractive to hackers. Therefore, you need to make sure that you investigate all potential security concerns on new IoT devices you install.

  1. Lack of Transport Encryption

When data is transported across the internet or your local network, it needs to be encrypted to thwart any external parties who are listening to your data traffic. However, many IoT devices fail to employ transport encryption in their data transmissions when sending data – this is estimated to be around 41% of all IoT devices. And this is why you need to make sure that your organization only works with highly secure IoT devices to protect data security.

  1. Weak Password Protection

The lack of strong password protection is a major security vulnerability when it comes to IoT devices. A good password should incorporate more than 8 characters and these should include numbers, symbols and mixed case letters – more often than not, though, these can often be nothing more than four digits such as an iPhone’s default password protection. And, as we all know, the weaker a password, the quicker and easier it can be hacked by brute force.

  1. Different Computer Languages Prevent Security

PCs all speak a common language, so getting a network full of PCs to operate on the same network in the same manner is not too big a problem. However, a smart photocopier running on a code all of its own is going to struggle to communicate effectively with the rest of your network. And this means that guaranteeing a secure connection between network devices is more difficult than ever. You also need to consider the fact that many IoT devices fail to receive regular updates, so this has the potential to be a long term security risk.

We’re all still learning about the security vulnerabilities that the IoT is bringing to the security table, so a firm knowledge of the potential pitfalls is vital. By taking note of the above you should be able to improve your security just enough to prevent being hacked.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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