There’s a good chance that the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) could make a huge difference to your organization, but how do you get started?

With around 30 billion IoT connected devices due to be in use by 2020, the IoT is clearly here to stay and the benefits in business are immense. Improved communication, enhanced automation and increased productivity are just a few of the benefits on offer. And, if you’re in business, then you’ll know that these benefits alone are crucial.

However, the IoT world is still relatively new and many organizations are apprehensive when it comes to introducing it to the workplace. Rather than leaving you adrift as your competitors surge forward, we’ve put together some tips on how to introduce the IoT into your organization.

Meet with IT Professionals and Create a Plan

The IoT may seem fairly straightforward in terms of how all the various devices connect, but the truth is that the IoT can be highly complex. Therefore, you need to speak to IT professionals. With their years of expertise in IT innovation, they will be able to recommend the correct technology and how you can begin to implement this into your existing IT network. Otherwise, you will never experience the full range of benefits that IoT can provide.

Understand Why You Need the IoT

If you want to embrace the IoT then you need to understand what it can do for your organization. There are, as previously stated, many benefits on offer from adopting the IoT into your operations, but not all of them will apply to your needs. And that’s why you need to identify the key problems within your business that the IoT can solve. Perhaps it’s increased productivity, perhaps it’s enhanced data processing. Either way, in order to implement the IoT correctly, you have to understand these problems from the very start.

What Can Your Current Setup Provide?

Introducing the IoT doesn’t mean that you have to start from scratch when it comes to your existing IT infrastructure. Many business owners, however, worry that the costs will spiral out of control, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, there may be the need for certain upgrades to be made to accommodate IoT technology, but plenty of your existing technology will be able to provide a seamless transition. Carrying out a full analysis of your equipment and understanding its capabilities will allow you to identify the areas which need updating.

Establishing Good Staff Training

As with any new form of technology, the IoT will require a certain level of training for your staff. Their existing knowledge of the IoT and the level of interaction they will have with the IoT in your organization will vary, but training is essential. This can be offered either in-house or by external training courses that specialize in training in IoT practices. Once your staff has received the relevant level of IoT training required you’ll find that the integration process is as hassle free as it can be.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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We receive so many emails in business now that they’re a keen target for hackers. As a result, your organization needs to be more wary than ever with email.

The most common way for a hacker to take advantage of emails is by loading them with malicious links. These can be used to extract personal information, activate ransomware or send users to dangerous websites. And these emails are more than likely hitting your organization every day. Whilst the majority of emails with links embedded in them are genuine, it only takes one rogue email to cause severe problems.

To help you avoid the wrath of hackers, we’ve put together four questions you should ask before clicking an email link.

  1. Do You Recognize the Sender?

Trust is crucial when it comes to dealing with links contained within emails. If you don’t recognize the sender then the link should definitely be treated with caution as it could easily be a malicious link. Emails from work colleagues should be more trustworthy, but it’s always possible that their email account has been hijacked. So, even if you recognize the sender, there are still plenty of questions you need to ask.

  1. Does the Link Look Genuine?

If you received an email advising you to visit the Ophtek website then it would look something like or However, if a hacker is trying to trick you into visiting a malicious website then the link may read slightly different e.g. or If you’re ever unsure about the URL listed in a link then try Googling the URL and see whether it brings up a genuine website.

The other factor to look out for is whether the link written in the email is genuine. While the link could say the actual destination contained within the link could be completely different. Thankfully, you can double check this by hovering your cursor over any email link to display a popup window that lists the genuine destination.

  1. Do You Even Need to Click the Link?

A high number of malicious links prey on our worries, so, for example, emails that claim your bank account has been hacked are very common. The email will usually contain a link that promises to start an authentication process to secure your account, but these links are never genuine. More often than not, the email will reference a bank that you don’t even have an account with, so there’s absolutely no need to click any links inside it.

  1. Why is it a Shortened Link?

Shortened links may save space in emails, but there’s no reason why they should be used in business emails. More importantly, shortened links – provided by platforms such as and – are yet another way that hackers can disguise the destination of a link. Shortened links are particularly difficult to judge as, even if you hover your cursor over them, it’s impossible to tell where they will send you. Help is at hand, though, from platforms such as CheckShortURL which can expand shortened links to show their true destination.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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A printer is crucial in business, but getting the correct one is even more important. As there are so many available, though, how do you get the right one?

Almost every printer is different and the variance across the industry is immense. And, don’t forget, every organization will have a unique set of needs for their printer to meet. Choosing carefully, therefore, is the order of the day as the incorrect printer can soon affect your productivity. Many organizations, though, fail to choose carefully and, instead, make the same mistakes time and time again.

As we want you to get the right printer for your needs, we’ve put together a list to make sure you don’t make these mistakes when buying a printer.

Going Cheap

Budgets can be tight for small to medium businesses, but you should never skimp on costs when it comes to technology. A printer from the lower end of the price range may help your costs in the short term, but it’s more likely to go through toner as if it’s going out of fashion. And then there are the many, many maintenance issues associated with cheaper printers. Pay a few more dollars, though, and you’ll find that you end up with a more efficient printer and one where malfunctions are rare.

Buying a Single Function Printer

You can save valuable office space by investing in a multi-function printer rather than a machine which purely prints and does nothing else. For example, a printer which also doubles up as a scanner can allow you to save even more real estate by making electronic copies of documents rather than filing physical copies. Anything which makes your organization more efficient should never be ignored and a multi-function printer can make a huge difference.

Too Big

Professional level printers can be rather large and bulky items, so it’s vital that you have room in your organization to house it. Many businesses order up a printer and assume it will fit where they need it, but then find out it’s too big. All it takes, however, is a quick bit of research on the dimensions of the printer you’re buying and a tape measure to ensure you have the relevant space. This saves you valuable time in terms of sending an incorrect printer back and reduces any downtime in printing for your organization.

Not Picking a Duplex

A duplex printer allows you to print on both sides of a sheet of paper and requires no manual intervention to flip the paper over. This may sound a fairly minimal feature, but there are powerful benefits associated with it. Printing on both sides of paper allows you to save paper and energy, so the extra cost of a duplex printer will soon pay for itself. And, if you’ve ever tried, to print on both sides paper manually, you’ll know it puts a severe strain on your time resources and results in seeming endless amounts of wasted paper.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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A printer may seem like a fairly innocuous piece of hardware, but it’s this assumption that makes it a major security risk. Therefore, it needs securing.

In a business, it’s likely that every single printer is networked. And, if something’s networked, then it represents a way into your network. Printers have been being hacked for decades, but it’s not as common as other threats such as malware and viruses. Accordingly, the average PC user in your organization is likely to be unaware of any security risks relating to that printer in the corner of the office.

However, there are plenty of risks and you need to understand what these are and how you can secure your printer and protect your network.

What are the Security Risks Associated with Printers?

When you’re working with printers, you need to be aware of the following security risks:

  • Back Door Access: Any piece of hardware on your network presents an opportunity for hackers to get a foothold in your network; printers are no different.
  • Print Data is Stored: A significant amount of print data is stored on internal memory within the printer and this can compromise the security of confidential data.
  • Susceptible Settings: Print settings can easily be manipulated to print to different locations and alter content during transmission to the printer.
  • Unsecure Documents: Printed documents can easily sit on printer trays for hours in a busy office and this is a major security risk as anyone can access them.

As you can see, there are myriad security issues related to printers, but how do you go about solving these threats?

Making Your Printer More Secure

Thankfully, there are simple and easy to action steps you can take to make your printer more secure:

  • Always Install Updates: As with all hardware, installing updates is one of the most crucial steps to take when it comes to securing hardware. All it takes is for one update to be missed for your printer to suddenly become vulnerable to new threats. It may seem fiddly and time consuming to install security patches, but it’s a lot easier to deal with than a compromised network.
  • Use Swipe Cards to Print: The best way to ensure that the correct people are picking up the correct documents from the printer tray is to employ swipe card authorization. For example, if one person in the office sends a spreadsheet to the printer, then it will only be printed once their card is swiped at the printer. This ensures that documents will not sit on the print tray for long periods.
  • Decommission Printers Correctly: When it comes to decommissioning printers, it’s vital that internal memory and hard drives are wiped. Once wiped, they should be destroyed to maximize the security of any data stored on them.
  • Limit Access to Settings: Access to printer properties and access settings should be tightly restricted to minimize disruption to the print network. A receptionist, for example, should have no need to install new drivers or disconnect printers from the network. All they’re likely to need access to is whether something is printed in color or black and white. Only IT professionals should have access to more complex, operational settings.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Small businesses need computers just as much as multi-global corporations do, but the way they go about choosing them is a little different.

In a small business, for example, consistency is more likely to be required across the board. In a larger business, however, there is bound to be more diversity required, especially in terms of the technology required for different departments. Therefore, choosing a computer for a small business needs to be approached in the correct manner to ensure you get the technology for your needs.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a quick list of the best practices for buying small business computers:

The Best Processor is Key

If you want your business to remain competitive then you need to make sure that your PCs have the best processors you can afford. After all, the driving force of your PC and what it can do comes straight from the processor. It may be tempting to drop 0.5Ghz from your processor to save costs, but this can cost you more in terms of productivity due to the drop in power.

Settle on One Operating System

For a small business, there’s no need to start working with multiple different operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS and Linux. Windows and Mac OS are fairly similar in terms of function, so investing in multiple licenses for these different systems can soon rack up your expenses. Instead, stick to either one or the other as this also minimizes internal training costs.

Get the Right System for Your Needs

A good business PC can remain in use for at least five years, so you are going to get a lot of use out of it. And that’s why you need to make sure it’s the right one for your needs. In-depth research needs to be carried out on your existing PCs to see what they can and can’t do. Once you understand their limitations and your needs, you can begin to search for models which solve these issues. This keeps your workforce happy and guarantees that you won’t have to buy a new range six months later when they don’t gel.

Don’t Cut Costs

Cheap computers are the last pieces of equipment that your organization wants. What you need are computers that pride themselves on their quality and lack of technical issues. Time is money and a cheap computer will end up costing you a lot of downtime. It may make your bank balance wince, but the productivity boost that a more expensive PC brings is more than worth it.

Fill All Available RAM Slots

When you’re buying a new PC, it’s important that you make sure all its RAM slots are filled to give you the fastest performance possible. Often, some of these slots are left empty to allow for future expansion. However, the best time to expand is at the point of purchase rather than a couple of years down the line. Speak to your dealer and ask them to ensure that you have the maximum amount of RAM affordable.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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