Common Causes of Computer Problems

Working with a slow or malfunctioning computer can feel like using a typewriter with keys missing. Somehow you are able to make it work but it can be a slow and painful process. Computers, servers, laptops and these days even tablets need routine maintenance to run smoothly.

If you want your computers to work for the long haul it’s important to take the time to maintain them. Before delving into some of the most common solutions to these issues, it’s important to understand why your computer or office network is performing poorly. Issues can be caused by hardware, software or sometimes related to both. Here are some of the most common causes to our modern computer headaches:

Reading through this list may have triggered for you some possible reasons that you are experiencing system slowness or some other problem. In the next series of blog posts we will go into some basic steps you can take to remedy some of the above computer issues.

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