Every business is unique. This is especially true when it comes to IT infrastructures. That’s why any new starters in your business need an IT induction.

It would be foolish to assume that a working knowledge of Microsoft Office is enough for a new employee to log on to your network. Each and every computer network differs in untold ways. And this means that new starters need to understand what they’re logging on to. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to grasp this fact. The end result is usually chaos and disruption.

A good IT induction can help your business avoid these setbacks by educating your employees on the best practices for your network. In particular, an IT induction can be used in the following ways:

  • Setting up Accounts: A new employee will need to create user accounts and passwords to access your network. During an induction you can take the employee through the account setup process and demonstrate how to log on correctly. There’s nothing worse for productivity than a locked user account, so it’s crucial that this process is thoroughly explained. And don’t forget to advise employees on the best password practices. 
  • Underline Your Policies: It’s important to set out your IT policies from the very start. For example, access to the internet for personal use may only be acceptable during breaks. And social media access may be completely restricted. Another key point to raise during the induction is your company’s policy on external devices. It’s increasingly popular for employees to bring their own devices to work in order to maximize productivity, but there’s also a major security risk with USB devices. An IT induction allows you to tackle this early on.
  • Educate on Cyber-Security: The threat of malware, ransomware and viruses isn’t unique to your business. However, the importance of good cyber-security needs to be established before a new employee logs on to your network. It may be that they’ve heard it all before, but a quick refresher is never going to harm anyone. Therefore, take the opportunity of an IT induction to go through the most common security threat. And, for extra assurance, invest in a training application which tests new employees’ aptitude with cyber-security. 
  • Highlight the Employee’s Duties: Every employee within your business should be expected to demonstrate a certain level of duty when it comes to your IT infrastructure. It’s vital that they understand what is and isn’t expected. For example, they should be expected to memorize their passwords rather than writing them on post-it notes and attaching them to their screen. However, they should not be expected to fix hardware issues – processes need to be set out on how employees escalate these issues to IT professionals. 

If you can establish a firm induction policy that covers all bases then you’re placing your business in a fantastic position. Not only can it help protect the security of your network, but it also allows you and your employees to get the best out of the network. And this can deliver a very welcome boost to productivity levels throughout your organization.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.


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There’s a good chance that the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) could make a huge difference to your organization, but how do you get started?

With around 30 billion IoT connected devices due to be in use by 2020, the IoT is clearly here to stay and the benefits in business are immense. Improved communication, enhanced automation and increased productivity are just a few of the benefits on offer. And, if you’re in business, then you’ll know that these benefits alone are crucial.

However, the IoT world is still relatively new and many organizations are apprehensive when it comes to introducing it to the workplace. Rather than leaving you adrift as your competitors surge forward, we’ve put together some tips on how to introduce the IoT into your organization.

Meet with IT Professionals and Create a Plan

The IoT may seem fairly straightforward in terms of how all the various devices connect, but the truth is that the IoT can be highly complex. Therefore, you need to speak to IT professionals. With their years of expertise in IT innovation, they will be able to recommend the correct technology and how you can begin to implement this into your existing IT network. Otherwise, you will never experience the full range of benefits that IoT can provide.

Understand Why You Need the IoT

If you want to embrace the IoT then you need to understand what it can do for your organization. There are, as previously stated, many benefits on offer from adopting the IoT into your operations, but not all of them will apply to your needs. And that’s why you need to identify the key problems within your business that the IoT can solve. Perhaps it’s increased productivity, perhaps it’s enhanced data processing. Either way, in order to implement the IoT correctly, you have to understand these problems from the very start.

What Can Your Current Setup Provide?

Introducing the IoT doesn’t mean that you have to start from scratch when it comes to your existing IT infrastructure. Many business owners, however, worry that the costs will spiral out of control, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, there may be the need for certain upgrades to be made to accommodate IoT technology, but plenty of your existing technology will be able to provide a seamless transition. Carrying out a full analysis of your equipment and understanding its capabilities will allow you to identify the areas which need updating.

Establishing Good Staff Training

As with any new form of technology, the IoT will require a certain level of training for your staff. Their existing knowledge of the IoT and the level of interaction they will have with the IoT in your organization will vary, but training is essential. This can be offered either in-house or by external training courses that specialize in training in IoT practices. Once your staff has received the relevant level of IoT training required you’ll find that the integration process is as hassle free as it can be.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Any organization worth their weight in gold will have a business IT continuity in place, but will it have taken care of all the basics that are required?

It’s crucial that your business IT continuity plan addresses these basics or you’ll discover – when it’s far too late – that it’s not possible to get your business back on track as effectively or quickly as you could have. And, often, these basics are so simple that you’ll be kicking yourself that they weren’t covered in the first place.

Now, the last thing we want is for your business to go offline for longer than necessary, so we’re going to share some simple, but effective tips to make sure your IT continuity has a strong foundation and can get you up and running as quickly as possible.


  • Research and Prepare: If you want your IT continuity to be implemented as smoothly as possible then it’s essential that you plan, plan and plan some more. You need to understand exactly what your IT operations are and how they rank in importance to get a better picture of how your organization uses its technology. To achieve this, you must regularly liaise with department heads to discuss their needs and then link these all together to produce a plan which ensures the business as a whole can get back online as soon as possible.


  • Regularly Test Your Plan: You would be surprised by just how many organizations fail to test their IT continuity plan. And the potential for disaster is greatly increased when you neglect testing your plan. You see, no IT continuity plan is perfect, so it needs regularly testing to iron out any creases and maximize its speed and efficiency. Once you know that it’s as perfect as it can be, you’ll find that you can sleep a whole lot easier.


  • Responsibility Needs Identifying: In the case of an IT disaster, it’s common for panic to spread throughout a business. As a result, it’s vital that those in charge of implementing an IT continuity plan can be identified quickly. Creating a responsibility chart should allow your organization to see who is in charge of what when it comes to an IT disaster, so make sure this has been circulated to all staff. And you must ensure that paper copies are also available as an IT disaster means no access to PowerPoint!


  • Align Technology Accordingly: Downtime is inevitable in all IT disasters, but the ability to minimize this can depend on the technology at your disposal. Larger organizations are likely to have more complex IT capabilities and, as such, the time required to rebuild this will be greater than a smaller organization. And the power of your backup technology can make a real difference in the speed that an IT continuity plan can be executed and completed. Therefore, it’s crucial that you understand the time taken to restore your IT capabilities and the technology which can achieve this most quickly.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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A backup plan for your IT system in the case of a sudden disaster is crucial to ensure your business continues operating whilst that disaster is rectified.

Many businesses, however, don’t have a contingency plan in place that will allow their IT operations to continue in the case of an emergency. And this lack of preparation can lead to your business having to cease operations and, therefore, hit you hard financially. Naturally, no one can forecast an emergency or a disaster, so it’s important to get something established sooner rather than later.

To understand, in a little more detail, why a business IT continuity plan is so important, we’re going to take a closer look at what it can bring to your business and how to implement it.

The Main Benefits of Business IT Continuity

Say, for example, your business suffers a huge malware attack, this could seriously compromise all the PCs on your network and render them redundant. And how are you going to process orders or bring up customer records then? Exactly – you aren’t! However, with an IT continuity plan in place, you can put this into action whilst your IT team work at eradicating the malware attack – this allows you to continue serving your customers and helps your organization minimize the downtime.

It’s also quite possible that your business premises could be put out of action due to disasters such as fire or even natural disasters which could visit in the form of hurricanes. With your office, for example, out of bounds, it could appear that there’s no option but to down tools. If, though, you’ve planned for occasions such as this, you could execute remote working accessibility for your staff to work from home or alternate premises. Again, this helps to keep your organization afloat and operating.

IT Services are aligned to the customers needs. Dynamic Lifecycle approach to service. Interconnections between processes. Quality of Service. Reduced cost to serve because of use of standard process. ITIL is NOT… A methodology. A complete set of predefined low level processes – only the framework with which to build them.

Creating an Effective Plan

A good business IT continuity plan is one which has been carefully planned and designed by a team which incorporates all areas of your business. Whilst it may seem sensible to have an IT bias towards leading the project, they won’t necessarily understand which data and which applications are most important for different departments. And this is why we would always recommend a team comprising of individuals who can cover all aspects of the business’ needs.

Once this team is in place, you’ll find that the prioritization of IT resources allows you to get a better understanding of what’s required from your business IT continuity plan. Naturally, these plans are never perfect as they’re relying on a situation which hasn’t happened yet. Therefore, to get the best out of your IT continuity plans you need to put them in to practice to discover how effective they are for keeping your organization in business.

As we pointed out earlier, no one can predict when your business is going to be hit by a disaster be it through hacking, natural disasters or even just plain old equipment malfunction. However, what we can predict is that a business IT continuity plan is going to minimize the impact of such a disaster on your business and should be a prerequisite of any forward thinking organization.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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