bigstock-Hacker-Typing-On-A-LaptopWebsites are vital for business, so any disruption to them can spell disaster. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack spells it in capitals!

A DDoS attack sounds like a mouthful and very technical, but it’s something that could strike your business’ website at any time. Therefore, it’s the kind of cyber-attack that you need to acquaint yourself with before it’s too late.

Let’s take a look at the ins and outs of a DDoS attack and, more importantly, how to combat one.

What’s a DDoS Attack


The main aim of a DDoS attack is to take down a website. Without a website, many businesses can find their operations severely crippled e.g. if you rely on e-commerce then no website equals no business.

But how does a DDoS attack disable a website?

Well, first of all, it doesn’t work off just one computer and this is where the distributed part of DDoS comes from.  It usually takes hundreds of computers all working together to disable web servers.

The denial of service aspect of a DDoS attack literally means that users of the website are denied that service e.g. making an office or medical appointment through the wesbite.

A DDoS attack uses huge amounts of false traffic (which has no intention of using a website’s services) to overload web servers. This prevents customers from accessing the website and, eventually, takes it down.

DDoS attacks are becoming more and more popular with hackers with nearly 180% more DDoS attacks in 2015 than the previous year. And big names are being targeted; the BBC and Microsoft’s Xbox Live network have suffered at the hands of DDoS hackers recently.

How Do You Combat a DDoS Attack?


There are several ways you can combat a DDoS attack, so let’s take a look:

  • Invest in more bandwidth – the reason that a DDoS attack will eventually take down your website is because your bandwidth will be maxed out. Therefore, if you can invest in more bandwidth then you think you could ever possibly use, you’ll increase the chance of keeping your website up.
  • Watch your network – You need to maintain a watchful eye on your traffic. Any sharp increases in traffic need to not just be handled, but also visible to the network. This allows you to get to work on preventing any further damage and preparing any necessary protection.
  • Know who to call – In the case of a DDoS attack you’re going to need to get in touch with your ISP. They will have the capabilities to reroute data and nullify any huge packets of traffic. This is why it’s a good idea to make sure you have all the relevant contact details at your disposal. Remember, time is of the essence here.

Final Thoughts

A DDoS attack can be a tricky piece of cybercrime to combat, so it’s important that your business is aware of the impact they can have. It’s a good idea to formulate a set of guidelines of what to do in the case of a DDoS attack and putting this into place now could save your website in the future.

For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.

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Your website is crucial in helping the rest of the world to find your service or to learn more about you.  As more websites are built on WordPress allowing you to easily manage your site pages, blog and online stores, it has become a target of criminals.  In this article we will cover why it’s important to avoid free premium WordPress themes.

I have a website, what’s the problem?

If you have recently (in the last several years) had your website updated or created, there is a good chance  your main website or a sub section such as the blog is running WordPress.  The best way to check if WordPress is being used is to ask the person that designed your website.




A theme is then used to change the layout, colors, fonts and general look and behavior of your site.  Themes can either be free, or premium where you pay for more features, updates and typically support.  Since premium themes cost money, some people decide to do a quick Google search to find the premium theme for free.

Premium themes that are quickly available over Google can contain malicious code that will infect your website, and as a result anyone that visits your website.

What happens if my site is infected with malicious code?

Once your site has been infected, the malicious party can then run programs and code on your website.  This not only puts your website at risk but also puts your website visitors at risk.  Your website can also be flagged for malware by Google.


A snippet of malicious code as described by Sam Parkinson in his blog post on the details of pirating premium WordPress themes

How can I keep myself safe?

The next time you talk to your website designer, ask them these questions:

1. Is my website running WordPress?

2. Is the theme of my website free or premium?

3. If it is premium,  where was it downloaded from and paid for?

If the site runs WordPress and a premium theme, make sure it was paid for and downloaded from the theme designer’s official webpage, or from the official WordPress premium theme site.

Also, as mentioned in this article, ask your website designer to disable dangerous functions that are not being used on your site as explained here.

We always recommend giving your office or home IT support all of the details so they can keep track of and inventory potential risks to your business as well.

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