If there’s a piece of hardware that’s crucial for maximizing productivity on a PC then it’s the mouse. However, which one is right for your business?
It’s inevitable that, at some point this week, you’ll grasp a mouse in the palm of your hand and use it to get the best out of your work. Whether it’s helping you navigate your way round a spreadsheet or granting you the dexterity to design a new logo, a mouse is a vital tool in business. Not all PC mice, though, are the same. In fact, the amount of variance in terms of functions and features is so wide ranging that it can be difficult to pick the right one for your needs.
To save you a headache, we’ve done a little bit of research to help you choose the best PC mouse for your business.
Optical Mice
Although basic in terms of features, an optical mouse is perhaps the best type of mouse for your basic business needs. Using an LED sensor to detect movement, an optical mouse attaches to a PC by a USB cable and provides quick and easy interaction for tasks such as data entry, word processing and email.
Customizable Mice
Creative industries such as app development and music production involve working with complex pieces of software, so making this task easier is essential. And, with a mouse that comes complete with customizable buttons and wheels, you can not only save time, but reduce your frustration levels. With more buttons and wheels than your average mouse, the user has the option to program specific commands into these peripherals to minimize the time spent executing commands.
Wireless Mice
A wireless mouse is similar to an optical mouse except for one small difference. Yes, you guessed it, there’s no wire involved. It’s a small difference, but also a significant one in terms of accessibility. No longer do you need to be restricted by the length of a wire, you’re limited only by the range of your wireless signal. Where wireless mice really shine is in presentations as they allow the presenter to sit with their audience rather than beneath the presentation screen.
Mouse Pen
When it comes to drawing on a PC, a mouse pen provides a highly realistic option. Whereas a standard mouse will contribute only unsteady movements, a mouse pen delivers more finesse and accuracy to any design projects you’re working on. With a number of these devices now taking advantage of wireless technology, they’re vital pieces of kit for designers.
Ergonomic Mice
Available in a wide range of designs, ergonomic mice look very different to your standard mouse, but they’re just as effective and sometimes more so. Featuring a variety of twists, tilts and button positioning, ergonomic mice provide enhanced comfort to the user. Reducing the amount of unnatural wrist movements can make a real difference to productivity, particularly for tasks such as data entry and word processing.
For more ways to secure and optimize your business technology, contact your local IT professionals.
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